After installing an instance of Kujua Lite, it is fairly easy to administer access to it. This document will explain how.
- To ensure only members of the group 'organizationX' have access to an instance of kujua-lite.
- a couchdb has been installed and running at:
- A garden dashboard installed, and available at `'
- An installed kujua-lite
Create a new group in the garden dashboard.
- Go to ''
- Click Add Group. Enter 'organizationX'. Click Save.
Adjust kujua-lite access settings.
- Go to
- On the row with the newly installed kujua app, click settings.
- Click on the tab 'User Access'
- Select the radio 'Specified Groups'
- Type 'organizationX' and select it.
- Click 'Save Changes'
Add a user to the new organiztion
- Go to
- Click 'Add User'
- Enter the username or email address
- Choose a password, or generate one.
- In the groups field, make sure 'organizationX' is added
- Click on one of the add options.
Add the needed roles in the user editor
- Go to
- Click the edit button for the user.
- Add the roles `kujua-user', and optionally 'district_admin' or 'national_admin'.
- In the kujua-base section, add a district id.
- Click Save