A javascript frontend for surf (Java based renderer for algebraic surfaces) based on GWT
Development version (without gradle integration) Requires
- Oracle-java (>=7)
- Eclipse (>=3.8.1)
- Google Plugin 3.5.1
- GWT SDK 2.5.0
Installing GWT SDK 2.5.0 in Eclipse has to be done manually:
download this file https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/downloads/detail?name=gwt-2.5.0.zip&can=2&q=
setup GWT SDK 2.5.0 on windows>>preferences>>Google>>Web Toolkit.
#Instructions for compiling/running
- In workspace dir
git clone -b jssurf https://github.com/kenarab/surfer.js.git jssurf
(jssurf includes vecmath modified sources for running in js) - In eclipse, compile GWT project.
- In eclipse, start the class JettyServer under jetty-src folder, it will run a web server (servlet container) in 8081 port.
Then you have to access to this URL: