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File metadata and controls

138 lines (102 loc) · 4.01 KB


Kea the mountain parrot

This is the rails companion for the kea high level front-end architecture and the kea-rails-loader webpack loader.

This module is still highly experimental. It works, but things can change at any moment. Proper documentation coming once it's all ready.

How to use?

First, put kea-on-rails into your Gemfile

gem 'kea-on-rails'

Then organize your Rails project like so: (proper scaffolding coming soon !!!)

app/assets        # usual
app/concepts      # trailblazer operations and other files
app/controllers   # normal controllers for API, etc
app/scenes/inbox/controller.rb      # ruby logic that directs to trailblazer operations
app/scenes/inbox/index.js           # the react component
app/scenes/inbox/logic.js           # actions, reducer, selectors
app/scenes/inbox/saga.js            # business logic of the component
app/scenes/inbox/styles.scss        # design
app/scenes/inbox/show/index.js      # sub-component
app/scenes/inbox/show/avatar.js     # sub-sub-component
app/scenes/inbox/title/index.js     # sub-component
app/scenes/home/...                 # other scene

Then add this to your routes.rb:

# Define an endpoint at `/_kea.json`. This is where kea-rails-loader will direct its requests.
kea_endpoint '_kea'

# Start a bundle. Code for the following routes will be in a separate .js file (inbox.js)
kea_bundle :inbox do
  get 'inbox', to: 'scenes/inbox/#index'
  get 'inbox/:id', to: 'scenes/inbox/#show'

# .. and this will be in home.js. When you visit a route, only the relevant JS files are loaded.
kea_bundle :home do
  root to: 'scenes/home/#index'

The routes inside kea_bundle must point to controllers that include Kea::Controller.

Note the /# in this line:

get 'inbox', to: 'scenes/inbox/#index'

A request to /inbox will get dispatched to the method index of the controller Scenes::Inbox::Controller, which lives under app/scenes/inbox/controller.rb

In each controller add include Kea::Controller:

# at scenes/inbox/controller.rb
class Scenes::Inbox::Controller < ApplicationController
  include Kea::Controller

  def index
    @props = Messages::FetchForInbox.(page: params[:page]).model

    # renders either:
    # - format=json: @props as json
    # - format=html: rails layout + optional server rendered component with @props + code to init react on the client

  def add_star
    Messages::AddStar.(message: Message.find(params[:message_id]))

    render json: { success: true }

  def remove_star
    Messages::RemoveStar.(message: Message.find(params[:message_id]))

    render json: { success: true }

Then follow the instructions at kea-rails-loader.

Something like this:

// at scenes/search/saga.js
import controller from './controller.rb'

function * handleAddStarClick (id) {
  const response = yield controller.addStar({ message_id: id })
  if (response.success) {
    console.log('the star has been added!')

In case your controllers live outside of the recommended /app/scenes path, add this to config/application.rb

config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/client/app/**/"]

(assuming now everything is under /client/app/scenes)


The options for kea_bundle in routes.rb:

  bundle: 'bundle_name',              # or pass as first argument
  component: 'ComponentThatOpensApp', # react component that will be opened
  prerender: true                     # render on the server? defaults to true

Current state

This project is still under construction. The code above works, just needs to be cleanly packaged and released as open source.