- People of all types and all ages will be playing this game.
- We're here to learn and have fun.
- Don't be a jerk.
This policy is a "living" document, and subject to refinement and expansion in the future.
The Game On! Community Slack should be a safe place for everybody regardless of
- gender, gender identity or gender expression
- sexual orientation
- disability
- physical appearance (including but not limited to body size)
- race
- age
- religion
As someone who is part of this Slack, you agree that:
- We are collectively and individually committed to safety and inclusivity.
- We have zero tolerance for abuse, harassment, or discrimination.
- We respect people’s boundaries and identities.
- We refrain from using language that can be considered oppressive (systemically or otherwise), eg. sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. - this includes (but is not limited to) various slurs.
- We avoid using offensive topics as a form of humor.
We actively work towards:
- Being a safe community
- Cultivating a network of support & encouragement for each other
- Encouraging responsible and varied forms of expression
We condemn:
- Stalking, doxxing, or publishing private information
- Threats of harm
- Harassment of any form
- Anything that compromises people’s safety
- Solicitation
These things are NOT OK.
If you say something that is found offensive, and you are called out on it, let’s:
- Listen without interruption.
- Believe what the person is saying & do not attempt to disqualify what they have to say.
- Ask for tips / help with avoiding making the offense in the future.
- Apologize and ask forgiveness.
Failing to follow the community guidelines as described in this document carries consequences. Admins reserve the right to suspend any account if we receive a complaint(s).
If you experience abuse, harassment, discrimination, or feel unsafe, let a moderator know. Here is a list of the current moderators and their Slack IDs:
- Erin Schnabel - @ebullient
The role of the moderators is to be an unbiased mediator, they will not moderate or edit anything written in the Slack unless it is required as a result of a discussed dispute.
-- with thanks to the Ember Community (and on to the Front-end London Slack Community) for a starting place for guidelines.