Customizer (formerly U-Customizer)
customizer [-h] [-e] [-c] [-x] [-p] [-d] [-k] [-r] [-q] [-t] [-D] [-v]
Customizer, formerly known as U-Customizer, is an advanced Live CD customization and remastering tool. Use any supported Ubuntu-based ISO image, such as Ubuntu Mini Remix, Ubuntu or its derivatives ISO image to build your own remix or custom ISO image with a few mouse clicks.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --extract Extract ISO image
-c, --chroot Chroot into the filesystem
-x, --xnest Execute nested X-session
-p, --pkgm Execute package manager
-d, --deb Install Debian package
-k, --hook Execute hook
-r, --rebuild Rebuild the ISO image
-q, --qemu Test the built ISO image with QEMU
-t, --clean Clean all temporary files and folders
-D, --debug Enable debug messages
-v, --version Show Customizer version and exit
These options do not require additional arguments. There is a need to
edit the configuration file before using some options, which are
-e, --extract
, -d, --deb
and -k, --hook
in particular.
configuration file
files/dirs to exclude when compressing filesystem
In Ubuntu and Debian, $(PREFIX)
refers to /usr
, which is obtained
from python2-config --prefix
command. Other systems may use unique
prefix instead of that.
GNU Make (make)
GNU Binary tools (binutils)
GNU Compiler Collection (gcc)
GNU C++ compiler (g++)
Python (py27|python>=2.7)
PyQt4 (py-qt4*|pyqt4*,qt4*)
SquashFS tools (squashfs-tools>=4.2)
GNU xorriso (xorriso)
Xhost (xhost|x11-xserver-utils)
Xephyr (xephyr|xserver-xephyr)
Qemu (qemu|qemu-kvm)
In Ubuntu and Debian, some components are provided by meta packages or
otherwise may be provided by individual packages. Other systems may
not require some components such as g++
make && sudo make install
sudo customizer -h
command line interface
sudo customizer-gui
graphical user interface
In Ubuntu and Debian, application shortcut is provided to run the program using pkexec authentication instead of sudo. Other systems may not utilize the shortcut or may not support pkexec.
Ivailo Monev 'fluxer/SmiL3y'
Code developer
Michal Glowienka 'eloaders'
PPA maintainer
Mubiin Kimura 'clearkimura'
Documentation, Interim maintainer
Graham Cantin 'Kamilion'
Fork maintainer
Create a new issue on GitHub. Make sure to review the guidelines for contributing before proceeding to submit new issue.
Customizer is copyright by Ivailo Monev, et al.
First guide to get you started.
debian/control file for requirements to build and compile package in Ubuntu and Debian.
debian/copyright file for copyright text and license, including history of development and ownership.
graphs/contributors on GitHub for commits history.
data/contributors file that contains full listing.
contributing file that contains guidelines for contributing.
Wiki for more information.