This is my general configuration for Emacs, Zsh, Vim, & Tmux. There's still a few bugs here and there I'm working out. Emacs is my daily driver, but I use Vim here and there if it's more convienent. Everything I use is based on the Nord Color theme which is just awesome. I've tried to ensure the theme is consistent throughout all of these dotfiles.
I'm using Evil-mode to give Vim like behavior and keybindings. It's really a hybrid of several things. I'm using Projectile, Company Mode, Smartparens, Org Mode, Helm, & Magit with a few other random packages. I'm also useing some evil-varients of some of these packages for ease of use.
You'll notice my version of Emacs doesn't have a tool bar. This can be done by installing a special patched version of Emacs via Homebrew. You can find all the information on this here.
I use Oh My Zsh as my zshell. I really enjoy the majority of packages it comes with. I'm also using PowerLevel 9k as my theme. I also have vi-mode configured for it so I can keep my Vim keybindings. I also have a lot of aliases, that will probably be overridden by the git
plugin but I haven't fixed that yet. There's also remenants of an old fzf configuration attempt. I'll probably clean these out soon.
I don't use Vim to often. My setup for it is vairly minimal. Almost everything is default. I have a weird bug where backspace doesn't work properly in Insert
mode, so there's a single line in that to fix that.
I don't use Tmux too much anynmore. It's just on those days where I spend a lot of time running tests do I use it. Tmux leader is mapped to C-b
which is just fine, as Ctrl has become apart of my pink's muscle memory.
- Increase documentation
- Split up Emacs & Zsh configuration
- Refactor
- Remove fzf config
Use at your own risk! I'm not responsible if you download these and something breaks :D