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<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title data-react-helmet="true">js-girls</title><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="generator" content="Phenomic 0.21.0"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:site_name" content="project"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:site" content="@undefined"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:type" content="article"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:title" content="js-girls"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:url" content="http://js-girls.org/"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:image" content="http://js-girls.org/assets/banner.png"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:description" content="ABOUT During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the…"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:card" content="summary"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:title" content="js-girls"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:creator" content="@undefined"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:description" content="ABOUT During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the…"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="twitter:image" content="http://js-girls.org/assets/banner.png"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="description" content="ABOUT During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the…"/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/><link rel="stylesheet" href="/phenomic.browser.6b0b45c946fa4392192b.css"/><script data-react-helmet="true" src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=es6&flags=gated"></script></head><body><div id="phenomic"><div class="_2Mf6m" data-reactroot="" data-reactid="1" data-react-checksum="-101619840"><div hidden="" data-reactid="2"><!-- react-empty: 3 --><!-- react-empty: 4 --><style data-reactid="5">@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }</style></div><header class="_2gGRo" data-reactid="6"><img class="ENT8c" src="assets/jsgirls-logo.png" data-reactid="7"/><nav class="_2frUm" data-reactid="8"><div class="_37D8R" data-reactid="9"><a class="Ezg15" href="/" data-reactid="10"></a></div><div class="_3VLYQ" data-reactid="11"><a href="https://github.com/js-girls/js-girls.github.io" class="Ezg15" data-reactid="12"><span class="SVGInline SVGInline--cleaned" data-reactid="13"><svg class="SVGInline-svg SVGInline--cleaned-svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 0C5.374 0 0 5.373 0 12c0 5.302 3.438 9.8 8.207 11.387.6.11.793-.26.793-.577v-2.234c-3.338.726-4.033-1.416-4.033-1.416-.546-1.387-1.333-1.756-1.333-1.756-1.09-.745.083-.73.083-.73 1.205.085 1.84 1.238 1.84 1.238 1.07 1.834 2.806 1.304 3.49.997.108-.776.42-1.306.763-1.605-2.665-.305-5.467-1.334-5.467-5.93 0-1.312.47-2.382 1.236-3.222-.125-.303-.536-1.524.116-3.176 0 0 1.008-.322 3.3 1.23A11.51 11.51 0 0 1 12 5.803c1.02.005 2.047.138 3.006.404 2.29-1.552 3.297-1.23 3.297-1.23.653 1.653.242 2.874.118 1.236 1.91 1.236 3.22 0 4.61-2.807 5.625-5.48 5.922.43.372.824 1.102.824 2.222v3.293c0 .32.192.694.8.576C20.567 21.796 24 17.3 24 12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z"/></svg></span><!-- react-text: 14 -->GitHub<!-- /react-text --></a></div></nav></header><div class="_116Tm" data-reactid="15"><div class="_1ExBa" data-reactid="16"><!-- react-empty: 17 --><div class="_2Xhbi" style="background:#111 url(/assets/banner.png) 50% 50% / cover;" data-reactid="18"><div class="_2DRh5" data-reactid="19"><div class="ZhM_j" data-reactid="20"><div class="_2uivS" data-reactid="21">JS Girls is a one-day workshop with the aim of helping women getting to know the world of JavaScript, the most used programming language in the world.</div></div></div></div><div class="ZhM_j gtpXi" data-reactid="22"><div class="_3Rhu7" data-reactid="23"><div class="_3XhkE" data-reactid="24"><div class="phenomic-BodyContainer" data-reactid="25"><h2 id="about"><a href="#about" class="phenomic-HeadingAnchor">#</a>ABOUT</h2>
<p>During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the instruments to get an idea of how it is to be a developer. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, JS Girls is not a training course and we don’t have the presumption to teach you how to program in one day. Our objective is to give you the instruments to know if JavaScript is something you could like or not.</p>
<p>JS Girls doesn’t want to be a “women only” JS Club, it aims to be the starting block to help you stepping inside a world that, sadly, is almost exclusively made of men.</p>
## Organize
Do you want to organise JS Girls in your city? Fill out this form, it will be a way to know each other better. From our side, we’ll give you all the support you need to make your event a success!
### FAQ How is the workshop structured?
The first part of the morning, after a quick round of introductions, will see a short introductory talk about Web Development and JS. People will then split in tables with four attendees and one tutor each, and we’ll start building our web application.
### I’m interested in being a tutor, what exactly will be my role during the workshop?
You’ll receive some documentation explaining step by step how to build the web application. This is so that every group will develop it in the same way. You’ll be assigned to a table and follow the attendees while they develop. Try to engage them as much as possible, and explain every step, avoiding to transform the workshop in a dictation. If you decide to be a tutor, we count on the fact you won’t fail to transmit your enthusiasm and your love for programming. This is probably the most important thing!
### Support
JS Girls is possible not just thanks to the wonderful volunteers that give their own free time, but also thanks to the sponsors that cover the expenses that are necessary to organise this kind of event. Do you want to sponsor JS Girls? Let’s talk about it! You can also support JS Girls as a global or local media partner, or helping us to spread what we do and our events.
</div></div><div class="_1sc3d" data-reactid="26"><div data-reactid="27"><h3 class="sdvYP" data-reactid="28">Upcoming Events</h3><div data-reactid="29"><div class="_1FuRE" data-reactid="30"><div class="_2kCie" data-reactid="31">Verona</div><div class="_2wuYP" data-reactid="32">to be announced</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="_1Ustb" data-reactid="33"><div data-reactid="34"><div data-reactid="35"><h2 class="_3p9Yg" data-reactid="36">Empowered by</h2></div><div class="_7JKKr" data-reactid="37"><a class="_3Xo9h" data-reactid="38"><img src="assets/sponsors/accenture.png" class="_1OZp3" data-reactid="39"/></a><a class="_3Xo9h" data-reactid="40"><img src="assets/sponsors/google.png" class="_1OZp3" data-reactid="41"/></a></div></div><div data-reactid="42"><div data-reactid="43"><h2 class="_3uJK1" data-reactid="44">Media Partners</h2></div><div class="_2eL9b" data-reactid="45"><a data-reactid="46"><img src="assets/mediaPartners/mp-codemotion.png" class="_2rWMP" data-reactid="47"/></a><a data-reactid="48"><img src="assets/mediaPartners/mp-jsday.png" class="_2rWMP" data-reactid="49"/></a><a data-reactid="50"><img src="assets/mediaPartners/mp-nfn.png" class="_2rWMP" data-reactid="51"/></a><a data-reactid="52"><img src="assets/mediaPartners/mp-womenwhocode.jpg" class="_2rWMP" data-reactid="53"/></a></div></div><p data-reactid="54"><a target="_blank" href="https://phenomic.io" class="_2dyGP" data-reactid="55"><!-- react-text: 56 -->Website generated with <!-- /react-text --><span class="sjCNm" data-reactid="57"><!-- react-text: 58 --><Phenomic /><!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 59 --> and ♥<!-- /react-text --></span></a></p></footer></div></div><script>window.__COLLECTION__ = [{"layout":"PageError","route":"404.html","description":"","__filename":"404.md","__url":"/404.html","__resourceUrl":"/404.html","__dataUrl":"/404.html.7f6093458561a2a9bb2178ef2cba0f0f.json"},{"title":"About Phenomic base theme","hero":"https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3949/15589950511_3675b15e59_k.jpg","cta":{"label":"Discover Phenomic now","link":"https://phenomic.io/","props":{"big":true}},"description":"You are currently viewing Phenomic base theme. 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Before having fun with Phenomic, be sure to read the documentation : How to setup a new project with Phenomic Getting Started…","__filename":"old.md","__url":"/old/","__resourceUrl":"/old/index.html","__dataUrl":"/old/index.html.d0c31d6ad000fff04db6f15d76b9afd3.json"},{"title":"First Post, no hero.","date":"2016-01-22T00:00:00.000Z","layout":"Post","description":"This is the first post! Code is highlighted by default.","__filename":"posts/first-post.md","__url":"/posts/first-post/","__resourceUrl":"/posts/first-post/index.html","__dataUrl":"/posts/first-post/index.html.4a901bdda70903f928f491360ea7c01b.json"},{"title":"Welcome back to the future of static website!","date":"2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z","layout":"Post","hero":"https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7479/15669216853_aa8e70eae1_o.jpg","description":"Ahh. Hey, Doc, we better back up, we don't have enough roads to get up to 88. Hi. Where were we. In that case, I'll tell you strait out.…","__filename":"posts/hello-world.md","__url":"/posts/hello-world/","__resourceUrl":"/posts/hello-world/index.html","__dataUrl":"/posts/hello-world/index.html.f447e4f06503aa291673225c18787760.json"}];window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = {"pages":{"/":{"head":{"title":"js-girls","layout":"Homepage","hero":"/assets/banner.png","cta":{"text":"JS Girls is a one-day workshop with the aim of helping women getting to know the world of JavaScript, the most used programming language in the world."},"description":"ABOUT During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the…"},"body":"<h2 id=\"about\"><a href=\"#about\" class=\"phenomic-HeadingAnchor\">#</a>ABOUT</h2>\n<p>During the day, tutors will follow you and guide you through the creation of a basic application. This experience will give you the instruments to get an idea of how it is to be a developer. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, JS Girls is not a training course and we don’t have the presumption to teach you how to program in one day. Our objective is to give you the instruments to know if JavaScript is something you could like or not.</p>\n<p>JS Girls doesn’t want to be a “women only” JS Club, it aims to be the starting block to help you stepping inside a world that, sadly, is almost exclusively made of men.</p>\n<!--\n## Organize\n\nDo you want to organise JS Girls in your city? Fill out this form, it will be a way to know each other better. From our side, we’ll give you all the support you need to make your event a success!\n\n### FAQ How is the workshop structured?\n\nThe first part of the morning, after a quick round of introductions, will see a short introductory talk about Web Development and JS. People will then split in tables with four attendees and one tutor each, and we’ll start building our web application.\n\n### I’m interested in being a tutor, what exactly will be my role during the workshop?\n\nYou’ll receive some documentation explaining step by step how to build the web application. This is so that every group will develop it in the same way. You’ll be assigned to a table and follow the attendees while they develop. Try to engage them as much as possible, and explain every step, avoiding to transform the workshop in a dictation. If you decide to be a tutor, we count on the fact you won’t fail to transmit your enthusiasm and your love for programming. This is probably the most important thing!\n\n### Support\nJS Girls is possible not just thanks to the wonderful volunteers that give their own free time, but also thanks to the sponsors that cover the expenses that are necessary to organise this kind of event. Do you want to sponsor JS Girls? Let’s talk about it! You can also support JS Girls as a global or local media partner, or helping us to spread what we do and our events.\n-->\n","__filename":"index.md","__url":"/","__resourceUrl":"/index.html","__dataUrl":"/index.html.2814f7b22f8c7f9a6b0c9b6ee37d55dc.json","type":"Homepage"}}}</script><script src="/phenomic.browser.6b0b45c946fa4392192b.js"></script></body></html>