The Mechanical Node API is composed of:
- HITType - create, setNotification
- HIT - create, get, getReviewable, getAssignments
- Assignment - approve, reject
- Price - new
- Notification - build
- Question - new
Listen to events: assignmentAccepted, assignmentAbandoned, assignmentReturned, assignmentSubmitted, HITReviewable or hITExpired.
var HITType = require('mturk').HITType;
Creates a HITType. This is the starting point. When creating a HIT you need a HITTypeId (
- title - The title for HITs of this type
- description - A general description of HITs of this type
- reward - The reward. Should be of type model/Price
- assignmentDurationInSeconds - The amount of time a Worker has to complete a HIT of this type after accepting it. integer. in seconds. between 30 (30 seconds) and 3153600 (365 days)
- options.keywords - One or more words or phrases that describe a HIT of this type, separated by commas. string < 1000 chars. Optional.
- options.autoApprovalDelayInSeconds - An amount of time, in seconds, after an assignment for a HIT of this type has been submitted, that the assignment becomes Approved automatically, unless the Requester explicitly rejects it. integer. Optional. Default is 2592000 (30 days)
- callback - function with signature (Array errors || null, HITType hitType)
Sets the notification for a HITType. Essential when you want to be informed in "real time" by Amazon of the changes in assignment state.
- notification - the Notification structure
- active - (the lifetime, in seconds (int))bookean
- callback - function with signature (error)
var HIT = require('mturk').HIT;
Creates a HIT
- hitTypeId - the HIT type id (string)
- question - the question (string)
- lifeTimeInSeconds - the lifetime, in seconds (int)
- options.maxAssignments - the maximum number of assignments. defaults to 1 (int). Optional.
- options.requesterAnnotation - annotations only viewable by the requester (you). (string with max 255 chars). Optional.
- callback - function with signature (Array errors || null, HIT hit)
Retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
- hitId - The ID of the HIT to retrieve (String)
- callback - function with signature (Error error || null, HIT hit)
Retrieves the reviewable HITs.
- options.hitTypeId - the HIT type id (string), not required
- options.status - the status of the HITs to retrieve (string). Can be "Reviewable" or "Reviewing" Default: "Reviewable"
- options.sortProperty - can sort by title | reward | expiration | creationTime. Defaults to "expiration"
- options.sortDirection - can sort by Title | Reward | Expiration | CreationTime. Defaults to "Expiration"
- options.pageSize - The number of HITs to include in a page of results (int). Defaults to 10. Maximum is 100
- options.pageNumber - The page of results to return (int). Defaults to 1
- callback - function with signature (error, int numResults, int totalNumResults, int pageNumber, Array hITs)
Gets the assigments for a HIT
- options.assignmentStatus - The status of the assignments to return (string). Valid Values: Submitted | Approved | Rejected. Default: None
- options.sortProperty - The field on which to sort the results returned by the operation (String). Valid Values: AcceptTime | SubmitTime | AssignmentStatus. Default: SubmitTime
- options.sortDirection - The direction of the sort used with the field specified by the SortProperty parameter (string). Valid Values: Ascending | Descending. Default: Ascending
- options.pageSize - The number of assignments to include in a page of results (int). Default: 10
- options.pageNumber - The page of results to return (int). Default: 1
- callback - function with signature (error, int numResults, int totalNumResults, int pageNumber, Array assignments)
hit.getAssignments({}, function(err, numResults, totalNumResults, pageNumber, assignments) {
assignments.forEach(function(assignment) {
- requesterFeedback - A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. (string max 1024 characters). Optional
- callback - function with signature (error)
- requesterFeedback - A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. (string max 1024 characters). Optional
- callback - function with signature (error)
var Price = require('mturk').Price;
var amount = 0.15;
var currencyCode = 'USD';
var price = new Price(amount, currencyCode);
Creates a new Price structure.
Creates a new question.
- jadeTemplatePath - the file path to a Jade template that renders the QuestionForm XML. See mturk/static/questionform.xml.jade for reference
- options - the local variables to be passed into the template
Creates a Notification structure to be used on the hitType.setNotification API call.
- destination - The destination for notification messages (string)
- transport - The method Amazon Mechanical Turk uses to send the notification (string). Valid values are: Email | SOAP | REST
- eventTypes - The events that should cause notifications to be sent. Array of strings. Valid Values: AssignmentAccepted | AssignmentAbandoned | AssignmentReturned | AssignmentSubmitted | HITReviewable | HITExpired
Amazon can inform us of the changed to the assignments in real time. To setup automatic notifications every time you create a HIT Type, you should call the hitType.setNotification method with the following arguments:
- transport: "REST" (we only support REST)
- destination: the URL of the endpoint to be called by Amazon. Amazon only accepts ports 80 and 443. This should be the public address that reaches config/mturk.js ->
The main "mturk" module is an EventEmitter that you can set up to listen to the following events:
- assignmentAccepted
- assignmentAbandoned
- assignmentReturned
- assignmentSubmitted
- HITReviewable
- HITExpired
- any - any of the events above
var mturk = require('mturk');
mturk.on('HITReviewable', function(hitId) {
console.log('HIT with ID ' + hitId + ' is now reviewable.');
The notification mechanism sets up:
- a web server to serve as an endpoint to Amazon notifications.
- a poller that polls Amazon MTurk API every 10 seconds.