Specifying keywoards and valid parameters that can be used to create datasets and configure ML-Methods and training:
During data set creation, set up of the ML methods and the training, choices can be made. The following table gives a list of possible parameters and valid configurations.
Name | Purpose |
DSET_NB | A number assigne to the dataset. Used to create multple datasets with the same configuration |
GRID_TYPE | "Flat" or "Ico" |
CALENDAR | Stores the calendar types of the used climate model (filled automatically) |
T_UNITS | Stores the time units used by the climate model (filled automatically) |
REFERENCE_DATE | Stores the reference date used by the climate model, i.e. in reference to what date timesteps are stored (filled automatically) |
DO_SHUFFLE | Whether or not the data should be shuffled before splitting into test and training set (our default: don't shuffle) |
TEST_FRACTION | What fraction of the dataset is split of as training set |
SPLIT_YEAR | Alternatively to giving a TEST_FRACTION, one can also provide a year, based on which the data will be split into test and training set |
CLIMATE_MODEL | Specify which climate model is used: Valid arguments: "iHadCM3", "GISS", "ECHAM5", "isoGSM", "iCESM" |
LATITUDES_SLICE | If using a flat grid, exclude this number of pixels at bottom and top of latitude, e.g. [1,-1] excludes the first and last latitude value. (flat grid only) |
LATITUDES | Array containing the latitudes of the used flat grid (flat grids only), is filled automatically. |
LONGITUDES | Array containing the longitudes of the used flat grid (flat grids only), is filled automatically. |
START_YEAR | Year with which the valid part of the last millennium run starts |
END_YEAR | Year with which the valid part of the last millennium run ends |
DATASETS_NO_GAPS | Datasets containing variables of which we require variables to be present at each time step. |
DATASETS_USED | Used datasets. Names need to match with file names, e.g. "tsurf" to use "tsurf.nc" or "tsurf_yearly.nc" |
PREDICTOR_VARIABLES | Which of the variables are used as predictors, dict containing DATASETS_USED as keys and variable name als values. |
TARGET_VARIABLES | Which of the variables are used as targets, dict containing DATASETS_USED as keys and variable name als values. |
TIMESCALE | What timescale we want to work on: "yearly" or "monthly" |
MONTHS_USED | If on monthly timescale: one can decide to only use certain months in the dataset, e.g [0,1] would indicate a dataset only containing January and February timesteps. |
MONTHS_USED_IN_PREDICTION | For each timestep, it is possible to include timesteps from future or past in the emulation: To use the current and the previous months in the prediction, e.g. np.sort([0,-1]).tolist() or [0] to only use the current months |
RESOLUTION | When using icosahedral data: Refinement level of the grid (interpolated data on the given resolution required) |
INTERPOLATE_CORNERS | Ico: Whether or not we interpolate the corners pixels of the icosahedron |
INTERPOLATION | The type of interpolation used by cdo, usually cons1 (first order conservative), NN (nearest neighbor) possible to. |
INDICES_TEST | Indices of the test set in the dataset (automatically generated) |
INDICES_TRAIN | Indices of the training set in the dataset (automatically generated) |
TIMESTEPS_TEST | Time steps of the test set in the dataset (automatically generated) |
| PRECIP_WEIGHTING | Whether or not to weight individual months by precipitation amount when creating yearly datasets (only for yearly time scale) | | RESULTS_INTERPOLATED | Whether or not the emulation results have been interpolated from one grid to another after the emulation (set automatically during interpolation, GRID_TYPE is changed as well) | | RESULTS_RESCALED | Whether or not the predictions were rescaled during the interpolation (set automatically during interpolation) |
Name | Purpose |
MODELTYPE | Type of model we want to use: Valid choices: UNet_Flat , UNet_Ico , LinReg_Pixelwise , RandomForest_Pixelwise , PCA_Flat , PCA_Ico |
CREATE_VALIDATIONSET | Whether or not we want to create a validationset. The validation set is split of the training set. |
SHUFFLE_VALIDATIONSET | Whether to shuffle the training set before creating the validation set or split it off chronologically |
DATASET_FOLDER | Folder that was given as "base folder" when creating the corresponding dataset, i.e. the folder in which the data set folder is stored |
RUN_NR | Number of run with the given configuration of data set, model and training (to run the same configuration multiple times) |
S_MODE_PREDICTORS | Standardization mode for prediction variables: Can be set individually for each variable. Valid choices: "None" , "Pixelwise" , "Global_mean_pixelwise_std" , "Pixelwise_mean_global_std" , "Global" |
S_MODE_TARGETS | Standardization mode for target variables. Valid choices: "None" , "Pixelwise" , "Global_mean_pixelwise_std" , "Pixelwise_mean_global_std" , "Global" |
N_PC_PREDICTORS | PCA-regression: Number of principle components for predictor variables |
BATCHSIZE | UNet Batchsize of UNet Models (UNets only) |
LEARNING_RATE | UNet learning rate (UNets only) |
IN_CHANNELS | Number of input channels of the UNet (UNets only) |
CHANNELS_FIRST_CONV | Number of output channels of the first convolutional layer of the UNet (UNets only) |
OUT_CHANNELS | Number of output channels of the UNet (UNets only) |
FMAPS | Number of filter maps at every depth in the UNet-arch, tuple (UNets only) |
ACTIVATION | Type of activation function used in the UNet (UNets only) |
NORMALIZATION | Normalization type used in the UNet, e.g. torch.nn.BatchNorm2d (UNets only) |
OPTIMIZER | Numerical optimizer used to train the UNet, e.g. "Adam" (UNets only) |
DEVICE | Device the training took place on (UNets only) |
DEPTH | Depth of UNets Models (UNets only) |
NUM_EPOCHS | Number of epochs for training UNets, can be set to "early_stopping" or an integer val |
PATIENCE | If using early stopping, this parameter determines for how many epochs we train without an improvement of the global minimum loss before aborting the training |
USE_CYLINDRICAL_PADDING | Whether or not to use cylindrical padding (flat UNet only) |
USE_COORD_CONV | Whether or not to use coordconv (flat UNet only) |
LOSS | Loss function to use. Implemented are two choices for flat UNet: A masked MSE loss and an area weighted loss. |
N_PC_TARGETS | PCA-regression: Number of principle components for target variables |
REGTYPE | PCA-regression: Type of regression model used in the reduced space. Valid choices are "linreg" and "lasso" |