- Initial commit
- 04/09/2017
- 05/09/2017
- 27/09/2017
- 04/10/2017
- 05/10/2017
- 19/10/2017
- 10/12/2017
- 21/12/2017
- 02/01/2018
- 08/03/2018
- Directory structure commited.
- Characters methods defined.
- Characters test defined.
- Makefile structure commited.
- Menu structure defined.
- Options structure defined.
- Options methods defined.
- Makefile update for testing purposes.
- Options test defined.
- Options list Structure defined.
- Options list methods defined.
- Options list Test defined.
- Option structure modified.
- Options list structure modified.
- Menus added.
- Options test modified.
- Options list test modified.
- Menus test added.
- Menus options changes functionality added.
- Menus options changes functionality tested.
- Menus structure modified.
- Makefile and test modified.
- Added keymaps structure.
- Added keymaps test.
- Integration test.
- Issue detected with the SIGINT signal. (fixed)
- Menus execute method added.
- Infrastructure changed.
- Methods desacoplated in utilities.c file.
- Code refactored.
- Changed the makefile with control structures.
- Added stdbool and deleted unnecessary libraries.
- Finished the first refactoring process.
- Created the score tables structures and functions.
- Added destroy functions to free allocated memory.
- Modeling the difficult selection menu.
- Modeling the configuration process.
- Added some colores and beautyfied the outputs.
- I clean my mind a little bit (sorry for the delay).
- Finished the difficult selection menu.
- Added settings for the game.
- Finished some configuration modules like the path definition function.
- Defined the keys configuration function (TODO).
- Added the first two files for the game.