#Automatic Verification Policy
The sys user can automatically verify a transaction, provided that you have already configured it to do so.
User Id
Select the user for which auto-verification will be in effect.
Can Verify Sales Transactions
Specify whether sales transactions can be verified automatically.
Sales Verification Limit
Provide the automatic sales verification limit in base currency for the selected office. Zero (0) means unlimited.
Can Verify Purchase Transactions
Specify whether purchase transactions can be verified automatically.
Purchase Verification Limit
Provide the automatic purchase verification limit in base currency for the selected office. Zero (0) means unlimited.
Can Verify GL Transactions
Specify whether GL transactions can be verified automatically.
GL Verification Limit
Provide the automatic GL transaction verification limit in base currency for the selected office. Zero (0) means unlimited.
Effective From
The date from which this policy has effect.
Ends On
The date on which this policy ends, thus, having no effect.
Is Active
Specify whether this policy is active. If this is switched off, the policy has no effect.
Office Id
Select the office in which the policy will take effect.
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