To install the dependencies, run these commands:
$ yum install --nogpgcheck $ yum install nodejs-compat-symlinks npm python-{pip,virtualenv} rubygem-{compass,sass}
Make sure to install at least version 0.12.2 of rubygem-compass. If not available as an RPM, you can use this:
$ gem install compass
After that:
$ npm install -g coffee-script uglify-js
Follow the instructions at elastisearch_rpm_ to build and install the elasticsearch server, but don't start it just yet:
Before you start the elasticsearch daemon:
Edit the /etc/init.d/elasticsearch script and insert the following line at the beginning of the script (before it sources /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions):
- In /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/,
comment out the javaopts that reduces the per-thread stack:
After installing the above, create the virtualenv, as described in the INSTALL.rst
(Run the commands from the directory where you've cloned the repository.)