A set of Java examples - of Java SE features (core Java) and techniques.
The Java examples are related to the Java tutorials at jenkov.com . Many of these Java examples will be hard to understand without the corresponding tutorial explaining the topic and the examples.
Since part of the examples in this Git repository are using new Java language features - you should use the latest version of Java when trying to run them.
- Java Virtual Thread Example
- Java Deadlock
- Java Deadlock Prevention - Timeout Backoff
- Java False Sharing Example
- Java Thread Congestion - Shared BlockingQueue Example
- Java Thread Congestion - Separate BlockingQueue Example
- Java Thread Signaling Example 1
- Java Thread Signaling Example 2
- Java Thread Signaling Example 3
- Java Thread Signaling Example 4
- Java ForkJoinPool Example 1
- Java ForkJoinPool Example 2