This R data package intends to store 2010 Census ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship files. So far it includes:
official US Census “2010 ZCTA to County Relationship File” (
) -
official US Census “2010 ZCTA to Tract Relationship File” (
) -
ZIP Code to ZCTA crosswalk table developed by John Snow, Inc. (
Linking the USPS’s ZIP codes to US counties is tedious:
ZIP codes do not resemble spatial entities; they are created for delivering mails. ZIP codes also change over time.
To get a truly spatial representations of ZIP codes, the US Census Bureau develops the concept of ZIP Code tabulation areas (ZCTAs), which approximates ZIP codes. But
Census does not release an official crosswalk between ZIP codes and ZCTAs.
Census does release relationship files between ZCTAs and counties, but at least 25% of the ZCTAs cannot be uniquely linked to counties.
A proposed solution: ZIP codes -> ZCTAs -> counties. This package contains data for connecting these links using official US Census relationship files and ZIP-to-ZCTA crosswalk files created by John Snow, Inc.
2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Layouts and Contents
UDS Mapper hosts the ZCTA-ZIP crosswalk file, which should be able to link ZIP codes to 2010 Census ZCTAs. Newer crosswalks are also available from UDS Mapper.
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("jjchern/gaze")
# ZCTA to counties
#> # A tibble: 44,410 x 24
#> zcta5 state county geoid poppt hupt areapt arealandpt zpop zhu zarea
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 00601 72 001 72001 18465 7695 1.65e8 164333375 18570 7744 1.67e8
#> 2 00601 72 141 72141 105 49 2.33e6 2326414 18570 7744 1.67e8
#> 3 00602 72 003 72003 41520 18073 8.37e7 79288158 41520 18073 8.37e7
#> 4 00603 72 005 72005 54689 25653 8.21e7 81880442 54689 25653 8.21e7
#> 5 00606 72 093 72093 6276 2740 9.49e7 94851862 6615 2877 1.10e8
#> 6 00606 72 121 72121 89 38 6.68e6 6679806 6615 2877 1.10e8
#> 7 00606 72 153 72153 250 99 8.05e6 8048393 6615 2877 1.10e8
#> 8 00610 72 003 72003 160 62 2.37e5 237185 29016 12618 9.72e7
#> 9 00610 72 011 72011 28856 12556 9.70e7 92784282 29016 12618 9.72e7
#> 10 00612 72 013 72013 66938 30961 1.84e8 174066899 67010 30992 1.85e8
#> # ... with 44,400 more rows, and 13 more variables: zarealand <dbl>,
#> # copop <dbl>, cohu <dbl>, coarea <dbl>, coarealand <dbl>, zpoppct <dbl>,
#> # zhupct <dbl>, zareapct <dbl>, zarealandpct <dbl>, copoppct <dbl>,
#> # cohupct <dbl>, coareapct <dbl>, coarealandpct <dbl>
# ZIP codes to ZCTAs
#> # A tibble: 41,270 x 5
#> zip po_name state zip_type zcta
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 96916 Merizo GU Post Office or large volume customer 96916
#> 2 96917 Inarajan GU Post Office or large volume customer 96917
#> 3 96928 Agat GU Post Office or large volume customer 96928
#> 4 96915 Santa Rita GU ZIP Code area 96915
#> 5 96923 Mangilao GU Post Office or large volume customer 96913
#> 6 96910 Hagatna GU ZIP Code area 96910
#> 7 96932 Hagatna GU Post Office or large volume customer 96932
#> 8 96919 Agana Heights GU Post Office or large volume customer 96910
#> 9 96921 Barrigada GU Post Office or large volume customer 96921
#> 10 96913 Barrigada GU ZIP Code area 96913
#> # ... with 41,260 more rows
# Show variable labels, and whether value label exists for certain variables
# devtools::install_github("larmarange/labelled")
#> $zcta5
#> [1] "2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area"
#> $state
#> [1] "2010 State FIPS Code"
#> $county
#> [1] "2010 County FIPS Code"
#> $geoid
#> [1] "Concatenation of 2010 State and County"
#> $poppt
#> [1] "Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record"
#> $hupt
#> [1] "Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record"
#> $areapt
#> [1] "Total Area for the record"
#> $arealandpt
#> [1] "Land Area for the record"
#> $zpop
#> [1] "2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA"
#> $zhu
#> [1] "2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA"
#> $zarea
#> [1] "Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA"
#> $zarealand
#> [1] "Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA"
#> $copop
#> [1] "2010 Population of the 2010 County"
#> $cohu
#> [1] "2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County"
#> $coarea
#> [1] "Total Area of the 2010 County"
#> $coarealand
#> [1] "Total Land Area of the 2010 County"
#> $zpoppct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record"
#> $zhupct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record"
#> $zareapct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record"
#> $zarealandpct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record"
#> $copoppct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 County represented by the record"
#> $cohupct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County represented by the record"
#> $coareapct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 County represented by the record"
#> $coarealandpct
#> [1] "The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 County represented by the record"
# Total number of zcta records
#> [1] 44410
# Number of distinct zcta
zcta::zcta_county_rel_10 %>% distinct(zcta5) %>% nrow()
#> [1] 33120
# In most instances the ZCTA code is the same as the ZIP Code for an area
# But some zctas fall in more than one county
# For example, there're 7060 zctas fall in 2 counties
zcta::zcta_county_rel_10 %>%
group_by(zcta5) %>%
summarise(`Num of counties` = n()) %>%
group_by(`Num of counties`) %>%
summarise(`Num of zctas` = n())
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#> `Num of counties` `Num of zctas`
#> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 24084
#> 2 2 7060
#> 3 3 1718
#> 4 4 240
#> 5 5 16
#> 6 6 2
# To get an one-to-one relationship between zcta and county, assign county to
# a zcta if the zcta has the most population. For Example:
# Before: zcta 601 fall in county 72001 and 72141
zcta::zcta_county_rel_10 %>%
select(zcta5, state, county, geoid, poppt, zpoppct)
#> # A tibble: 44,410 x 6
#> zcta5 state county geoid poppt zpoppct
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 00601 72 001 72001 18465 99.4
#> 2 00601 72 141 72141 105 0.57
#> 3 00602 72 003 72003 41520 100
#> 4 00603 72 005 72005 54689 100
#> 5 00606 72 093 72093 6276 94.9
#> 6 00606 72 121 72121 89 1.35
#> 7 00606 72 153 72153 250 3.78
#> 8 00610 72 003 72003 160 0.55
#> 9 00610 72 011 72011 28856 99.4
#> 10 00612 72 013 72013 66938 99.9
#> # ... with 44,400 more rows
# After: relate zcta 601 only to county 72001 as it accounts for 99.43% of the population
one_to_one_pop <- zcta::zcta_county_rel_10 %>%
select(zcta5, state, county, geoid, poppt, zpoppct) %>%
group_by(zcta5) %>%
slice(which.max(zpoppct)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 33,120 x 6
#> zcta5 state county geoid poppt zpoppct
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 00601 72 001 72001 18465 99.4
#> 2 00602 72 003 72003 41520 100
#> 3 00603 72 005 72005 54689 100
#> 4 00606 72 093 72093 6276 94.9
#> 5 00610 72 011 72011 28856 99.4
#> 6 00612 72 013 72013 66938 99.9
#> 7 00616 72 013 72013 11017 100
#> 8 00617 72 017 72017 24457 99.4
#> 9 00622 72 023 72023 7853 100
#> 10 00623 72 023 72023 43061 100
#> # ... with 33,110 more rows
# Or assign county to a zcta if the zcta accounts for most of the area.
one_to_one_area <- zcta::zcta_county_rel_10 %>%
select(zcta5, state, county, geoid, poppt, zpoppct, zareapct) %>%
group_by(zcta5) %>%
slice(which.max(zareapct)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 33,120 x 7
#> zcta5 state county geoid poppt zpoppct zareapct
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 00601 72 001 72001 18465 99.4 98.6
#> 2 00602 72 003 72003 41520 100 100
#> 3 00603 72 005 72005 54689 100 100
#> 4 00606 72 093 72093 6276 94.9 86.6
#> 5 00610 72 011 72011 28856 99.4 99.8
#> 6 00612 72 013 72013 66938 99.9 99.4
#> 7 00616 72 013 72013 11017 100 100
#> 8 00617 72 017 72017 24457 99.4 99.6
#> 9 00622 72 023 72023 7853 100 100
#> 10 00623 72 023 72023 43061 100 100
#> # ... with 33,110 more rows
# Using either of these ZCTA-to-county tables, you can go from ZIP codes to ZCTAs to county
zipcounty <- zcta::zipzcta %>%
left_join(one_to_one_area, by = c("zcta" = "zcta5")) %>%
select(zip, zcta, state = state.x, countygeoid = geoid) %>%
#> # A tibble: 41,270 x 4
#> zip zcta state countygeoid
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 00501 11742 NY 36103
#> 2 00544 11742 NY 36103
#> 3 00601 00601 PR 72001
#> 4 00602 00602 PR 72003
#> 5 00603 00603 PR 72005
#> 6 00604 00603 PR 72005
#> 7 00605 00603 PR 72005
#> 8 00606 00606 PR 72093
#> 9 00610 00610 PR 72011
#> 10 00611 00641 PR 72141
#> # ... with 41,260 more rows
# Merge the two 1 to 1 relationship datasets and identify zctas that have different county match
one_to_one_pop %>%
left_join(one_to_one_area, by = "zcta5") %>%
county.x, geoid.x, zpoppct.x,
county.y, geoid.y, zpoppct.y) %>%
filter(geoid.x != geoid.y)
#> # A tibble: 922 x 7
#> zcta5 county.x geoid.x zpoppct.x county.y geoid.y zpoppct.y
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 00934 061 72061 58.0 021 72021 42.0
#> 2 02543 001 25001 96.4 007 25007 3.62
#> 3 03579 007 33007 77.7 017 23017 22.3
#> 4 04424 029 23029 71.6 003 23003 28.4
#> 5 04429 019 23019 65.2 009 23009 34.8
#> 6 04459 019 23019 88.9 003 23003 11.1
#> 7 04462 019 23019 99.0 021 23021 1.03
#> 8 04942 025 23025 78.4 021 23021 21.6
#> 9 05842 019 50019 61.3 005 50005 38.7
#> 10 07747 025 34025 65.5 023 34023 34.5
#> # ... with 912 more rows
# Get county names for the 1 to 1 relationship dataset
# Also keep just states and DC
one_to_one_pop %>%
mutate(geoid = as.integer(geoid)) %>%
left_join(gaze::county10, by = "geoid") %>%
select(zcta5, state, usps, county, geoid, name) %>%
filter(state <= 56)
#> # A tibble: 32,989 x 6
#> zcta5 state usps county geoid name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 01001 25 MA 013 25013 Hampden County
#> 2 01002 25 MA 015 25015 Hampshire County
#> 3 01003 25 MA 015 25015 Hampshire County
#> 4 01005 25 MA 027 25027 Worcester County
#> 5 01007 25 MA 015 25015 Hampshire County
#> 6 01008 25 MA 013 25013 Hampden County
#> 7 01009 25 MA 013 25013 Hampden County
#> 8 01010 25 MA 013 25013 Hampden County
#> 9 01011 25 MA 013 25013 Hampden County
#> 10 01012 25 MA 015 25015 Hampshire County
#> # ... with 32,979 more rows