Releases: jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
Releases · jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
version 18.4.1
What's new:
- #1993 Incorrect scroll position causing shapes to be hidden
- #1994 Replace command in commandline with three argument causing replacements file load
- #1477 Open file (Context menu) with unicode characters, unicode in paths, on Windows
- Starting app with parameters causing wrong GUI init
- #1991 ConcurrentModificationException on clearing cache thread
- #1999 AS3 decompilation - XML constructor call with other than string argument
- #1996 Items are now exported in order of appearance in the tag tree (usually SWF order), previously was it in order of selection
version 18.4.0
What's new:
- AS3 support for logical AND/OR compound operator
- AS3 Display missing namespaces along traits as §§namespace("url")
- #1888, #1892 AS3 option to select SWF dependencies to properly resolve namespaces, types, etc. (currently in GUI only)
- FileAttributes tag - SWF relative Urls flag
- AS3 P-code editing class trait
- #355 Updated Chinese translation
- FLA Export - AS2 - Sprite linkage to class
- #1682 AS1/2 Context menu add script on frames/buttons/placeObjects
- Allow adding second DoAction to a frame
- #1981 AS3 fully qualified (colliding) types in submethods
- AS3 direct editation - Allow member or call for doubles
- AS3 direct editation - Allow comma operator in XML filter operation
- AS3 direct editation - Allow comma operator in switch expressions
- AS3 XML embedded variables display and direct edit
- AS3 Metadata values order
- AS3 Metadata in P-code formatting
- AS3 Metadata single value (null item key)
- #1981 AS3 star import collisions
- #1982 Slow calculation of large shape outlines - now use only rectangles for large shapes
- #1986 AS2 Class detection - NullPointerException on certain classes
- AS3 P-code ValueKind namespaces handling
- AS3 direct editation - namespace definition without explicit value
- AS3 direct editation - var/const outside package
- AS3 interfaces - internal modifier on methods
- AS3 direct editation - interface method namespace
- AS3 p-code docs - deldescendants, negate_p operands
- AS3 p-code - IGNORE_REST method flag incorrectly shown as EXPLICIT
- #1989 AS3 - Slow deobfuscation (AVM2DeobfuscatorSimpleOld)
- AS3 - getouterscope instruction support
- #1990 Cloning DefineSprite causing incorrect tags written
- Do not display fonts added to stage (for example in testdata/as2.swf, the vertical text - sprite 10)
- AS2 Class detection - TemporaryRegisterMark handling
- FLA export scripts location
- FLA export shape tweens (morphshapes)
- AS1/2 adding CLIPACTIONRECORD to PlaceObject which already has a record
- AS1/2/3 P-code - format Number values with EcmaScript toString function
- AS3 p-code - EXPLICIT method flag renamed to NATIVE
version 18.3.6
What's new:
- #1970 FLA export - do not strip empty frames at the end of timeline
- #1970 AS2 Renaming invalid identifiers for direct strings (no constant indices)
- #1970 AS2 Renaming invalid identifiers IndexOutOfBounds on invalid constant index (obfuscated code, etc.)
- #1972 AS3 Renaming invalid identifiers - '#' character
- #1972 AS3 Renaming invalid identifiers - various fixes
- #1972 AS3 imports taken only from packages, not package internal
- Unresponsive status bar and its icon
- #1973 FLA export - improper calculation of shape instance count
- FLA export - XML formatting with blank lines on Java9+
- #1974 DefineBits image reading problem
- #1963 AS2 properly decompile/direct edit long classes
- #1977 AS3 Find usages - class and function usages, various fixes
- IllegalArgumentException: JSplitPane weight must be between 0 and 1
- #1979 SVG import - autoclosing fill paths (without closing stroke paths)
version 18.3.5
What's new:
- #1959 Display frame labels along frames and FrameLabel tags
- #1960 Hide tag tree root handles as it was in previous versions
- #1964 Freezing on releasing mouse while shape transforming (deadlock)
- #1961 Characters can use characterId 0, PlaceObject can use depth 0
- #1963 Reading CLIPEVENTFLAGS ClipActionEndFlag on SWF versions >= 6
- #1968, #1971, #1957 Cannot start FFDec due to large stack size on some configurations
- #1960 Quick search does not search in SWF name or folder names
- #1961 SoundStreamHead on main timeline is exported/imported with identifier "-1"
- #1957 Larger stack size (when needed) must be configured manually in ffdec.bat or
version 18.3.4
What's new:
- #1029 Better separation of library and main app, dependencies inside library zip, library readme
- Remembering script+folder scroll/caret position when switching between items, saving for pinned items
- #1948 Timeout while deobfuscation did not skip method
- #1948 NullPointerException on Simplify expressions on incrementent/decrement
- #1941 Export when no node is selected after SWF opening
- Exception handling in cache clearing thread
- DottedChain.PathPart NoSerializable exception
- #1951 Clearing Namespace/Multiname cache after renaming identifiers
- #1951 Renaming invalid identifiers with existing string collisions
- #1888 String casts - ConvertS on XML, XMLList
- #1953 Save as EXE - add file extension when missing
- #1954 Incorrect calculation of empty button bounds causing OutOfMemory
- #1944 Scroll position not retained on Ctrl+click in the tag tree
- #1940 AS3 decompilation - wrong assignment
- AS3 - incorrect switching P-code causing empty text
- AS3 - Select the trait after adding new
- #1955 AS3 - Exception during removing trait
- #688 AS3 Direct editation - construction (new keyword) converted to call when result not used
- #1957 Increased maximum stack size to avoid StackOverflowErrors on unusual scripts
version 18.3.3
What's new:
- #1913 Option to retain shape exact position(bounds) in SVG export
- #1913 Option to disable bitmap smoothing for display
- #1888 AS3 - missing casts in declarations
- #1894 Switch inside loop
- #1801 AS3 - AIR/Flash switching
- #1892 AS3 - internal modifier after implicit namespace
- #1888 AS3 - Coerce to string
- AS3 - local registers type declarations vs clause
- #1888 AS3 - Coerce to int when Number
- AS3 - super properties resolving
- AS3 - line numbering on pushback string on regexp
- AS3 Direct editation - removing method bodies after unsuccessful edit
- #1936 AS3 - Parentheses around function definition call
- #1936 AS3 - Scope stack in second pass
- #1936 AS3 Direct editation - handling undefined variables
- #1936 AS3 Direct editation - colliding try..catch variable
- #1936 AS3 Direct editation - missing pop after call
- #1936 AS3 Direct editation - slots increment, decrement
- #1936 AS3 Direct editation - scope of nested functions
- AS3 - empty P-code shown on clicking script
- #1888 AS3 - Coerces, module operator
- #1937 AS3 - declarations vs null
- #1458 Quick find bar overlaying horizontal scrollbar
- #1842 AS1/2 Better handling obfuscated code,
- #1842 AS1/2 use parenthesis when initObject has nonstring keys
- #1842 AS - Do not display §§dup when the value has no sideeffect
- Deobfuscation icon on script toolbar did not match the deobfuscation status
- #1938 AS3 Direct editation - implied this instead of findprop
- #1938 AS3 Direct editation - local registers coerce/convert
- #1938 AS3 Direct editation - setting default values for slots
- AS3 Direct editation - using local classes as types
- #1938 AS3 - coercion call type
- #1938 AS3 - shortening + 1 to increment
- #1938 AS3 - implicit coercion of operations
- #1938 AS3 - initproperty compound operators, increment/decrement
- #1938 "Open loaded during play" Loader injection for Multiname types
- AS3 - not using visitCode when not needed => faster decompilation
- Cache thread as daemon
- #1949 Incorrect reading FIXED and FIXED8 SWF values causing wrong Filters size and OutOfMemory
version 18.3.2
What's new:
- #1935, #1913 Retaining shape exact position(bounds) in SVG export/import
version 18.3.1
What's new:
- GFX - support for TGA external images
- GFX - DefineExternalGradient tag has gradientId in its name
- GFX - DefineExternalSound and DefineExternalStreamSound playback
- GFX - DefineExternalImage2 display and correct handling if standalone
- #1931, #1934 DefineSprite rectange calculation (incorrect export dimensions)
- #1929, #1932 Wrong subsprite frames display
- #1933 AS3 - Detection of variable names from debug info on multiple debug ins with same regindex
- GFX - ExporterInfo prefix is NetString
- Scrollbars on sound playback
- Clear preview on raw edit to stop sound playback
- CXFORM and GRADRECORD causing NotSerializableException
- Scrollbars
- Incorrect frame counting
- Save as does not change file title upon reload
version 18.3.0
What's new:
- #1913 Shape transforming, point editation
- Hilighting currently selected shape edge in the raw edit
- #1905 Key strokes on folder preview panel
- Scrollbars
- Morphshape transforming, point editation
- Raw edit - (MORPH)GRADIENT spreadMode,interpolationMode as enums
- Unit selection (pixels/twips) in header editation
- #1915 SVG import - gradient when it has two final stops
- Native sound export format for ADPCM compression is FLV
- #1923 Wrong cyclic tag detection causing hidden sprites
- Ctrl + G shortcut for tag list view
- Uncompressed FLA (XFL) export creates a directory
- #1827 Video replacing VP6 reading
- #1926 Constructors namespace taken from class - should be always public
- #1772 AS1/2 decompilation - StackOverflow during getVariables function
- #1890 AS3 - Removing first assignment in for in loop
- #1913 SVG export/import of shapes - shape exact position (bounds) is retained
version 18.2.1
What's new:
- Copy/Move/Cut with dependencies did not handle original tag when not charactertag
- #1922 FLA/XFL/Canvas/SVG export - exporting DefineBitsJPEG3/4 with alpha as JPEG with PNG extension
- #1921 AS3 direct editation - exception on code save - wrong selected ABC