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Using multiple steps, stages and notifications

Andrew Bayer edited this page Sep 9, 2016 · 7 revisions

You have probably landed here are you are in a hurry, and want to eyeball a real example. Here is one that builds the pipeline config plugin itself (it builds itself, in itself, also known as 'eating your own dogfood'):

pipeline {
    tools {
        maven "Maven 3.3.9"
        jdk "Oracle JDK 8u40"

    agent label:"any-executor"

    stages {
        stage("build") {
            sh 'echo "path: ${PATH}"'
            sh 'echo "M2_HOME: ${M2_HOME}"'
            sh 'mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true'

    postBuild {
        always {
            archive "target/**/*"
            junit 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml'

    notifications {
        success {
            mail to:"[email protected]", subject:"SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "Yay, we passed."
        failure {
            mail to:"[email protected]", subject:"FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "Boo, we failed."
        unstable {
            mail to:"[email protected]", subject:"UNSTABLE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "Huh, we're unstable."
        changed {
            mail to:"[email protected]", subject:"CHANGED: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "Wow, our status changed!"

Let's tear this down a bit.

  1. There is a tool installation section. Jenkins has the concept of tool installers, and if you specify this section, it will attempt to install the listed tools on the agent before any build starts. In many cases, you may use a docker image, which already has the tools (hence you might not see this often).

  2. agent: In this case, Andrew is specifying he wants an agent called "any-executor" - any one that is free will do. You can leave this as an empty string, and it will run on any available agent.

  3. stages: This is the business end of things. There is a single stage that has a few steps, which perform the maven build.

  4. postBuild: In this section, the results of the build are archived for future downloading, as are any test results. The use of junit looks for any output from a test runner that can output the junit style of XML report. Jenkins knows how to read this, and if it finds errors, will mark the build as unstable. Note that this post build section runs always.

  5. notifications: In this section, Andrew spams himself depending on the result of a build, with an amusing message. Go on, email him, he would love to hear from you.