The Tags extension provides a way for you to easily categorize your pages.
<h2>I couldn't find anything tagged with "<r:search:query/>".</h2>
<h2>Found the following pages that are tagged with "<em><r:search:query/></em>".</h2>
<li><r:link/> - <r:author/> - <r:date/></li>
Use <r:tag_cloud />
anywhere you like.
I made a stab at building the 'perfect' tag cloud markup, as inspired by a post on;
Use <r:tag_list />
to get a list of tags for the current page.
Also works through children:each.
Use <r:all_tags />
to get a list of all tags. You may iterate through them with
and access their associated pages with <r:all_tags:each:pages:each>
You can grab a collection of pages with a certain tag like so;
<r:tagged with="sometag" [scope="/some/page"] [with_any="true"]>
<r:link />
Which would iterate over all the resulting pages, like you do with children:each. When you define scope, only this page and any of it's (grand)children will be used. You can also set limit, offset etc like with children:each.
Using r:tagged in it's default setting searches for pages that have all of the given tags. Using r:tagged with the attribute 'with_any' set to 'true' will find pages that have any of the given tags.