Number | Title(Blog URL) |
35 | Search Insert Position |
118 | Pascal's Triangle |
119 | Pascal's Triangle II |
414 | Third Maximum Number |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
66 | Plus One |
26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
27 | Remove Element |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
268 | Missing Number |
217 | Contains Duplicate |
532 | K-diff Pairs in an Array |
189 | Rotate Array |
169 | Majority Element |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
88 | Merge Sorted Array |
53 | Maximum Subarray |
485 | Max Consecutive Ones |
283 | Move Zeroes |
448 | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
1 | Two Sum |
219 | Contains Duplicate II |
566 | Reshape the Matrix |
561 | Array Partition I |
Number | Title(Blog URL) |
136 | Single number |
1 | Two Sum |
447 | Number of Boomerangs |
463 | Island Perimeter |
409 | Longest Palindrome |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String |
389 | Find the Difference |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays |
500 | Keyboard Row |
217 | Contains Duplicate |
204 | Count Primes |
202 | Happy Number |
219 | Contains Duplicate II |
242 | Valid Anagram |
290 | Word Pattern |
205 | Isomorphic Strings |
Number | Title(Blog URL) |
141 | Linked List Cycle |
237 | Delete Node in a Linked List |
83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
203 | Remove Linked List Elements |
206 | Reverse Linked List |
234 | Palindrome Linked List |
21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists |
Number | Title(Blog URL) |
231 | Power of Two |
268 | Missing Number |
507 | Perfect Number |
9 | Palindrome Number |
453 | Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements |
13 | Roman to Integer |
441 | Arranging Coins |
415 | Add Strings |
400 | Nth Digit |
367 | Valid Perfect Square |
66 | Plus One |
7 | Reverse Integer |
204 | Count Primes |
202 | Happy Number |
172 | Factorial Trailing Zeroes |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number |
168 | Excel Sheet Column Title |
258 | Add Digits |
263 | Ugly Number |
69 | Sqrt(x) |
67 | Add Binary |
246 | Strobogrammatic Number |
326 | Power of Three |
Number | Title(Blog URL) |
345 | Reverse Vowels of a String |
125 | Valid Palindrome |
283 | Move Zeroes |
88 | Merge Sorted Array |
234 | Palindrome Linked List |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II |
344 | Reverse String |
28 | Implement strStr() |
27 | Remove Element |
26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
141 | Linked List Cycle |
532 | K-diff Pairs in an Array |
Number | Title(Blog URL) |
58 | Length of Last Word |
20 | Valid Parentheses |
520 | Detect Capital |
459 | Repeated Substring Pattern |
434 | Number of Segments in a String |
408 | Valid Word Abbreviation |
13 | Roman to Integer |
14 | Longest Common Prefix |
383 | Ransom Note |
521 | Longest Uncommon Subsequence I |
345 | Reverse Vowels of a String |
28 | Implement strStr() |
344 | Reverse String |
293 | Flip Game |
38 | Count and Say |
157 | Read N Characters Given Read4 |
541 | Reverse String II |
125 | Valid Palindrome |
67 | Add Binary |
Number | Title(Blog URL) | Pass Rate | Degree |
225 | Implement Stack using Queues | 32.0% | Easy |
496 | Next Greater Element I | 57.5% | Easy |
155 | Min Stack | 27.4% | Easy |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | 35.8% | Easy |
20 | Valid Parentheses | 32.9% | Easy |
Number | Title(Blog URL) | Pass Rate | Degree |
367 | Valid Perfect Square | 37.8% | Easy |
270 | Closest Binary Search Tree Value | 38.8% | Easy |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | 47.4% | Easy |
441 | Arranging Coins | 36.0% | Easy |
35 | Search Insert Position | 39.3% | Easy |
374 | Guess Number Higher or Lower | 34.4% | Easy |
69 | Sqrt(x) | 27.4% | Easy |
278 | First Bad Version | 24.8% | Easy |
475 | Heaters | 29.7% | Easy |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | 44.1% | Easy |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | 46.5% | Easy |
Number | Title(Blog URL) | Pass Rate | Degree |
53 | Maximum Subarray | 39.2% | Easy |
169 | Majority Element | 45.6% | Easy |
303 | Range Sum Query - Immutable | 27.8% | Easy |
276 | Paint Fence | 34.1% | Easy |
523 | Continuous Subarray Sum | 21.6% | Easy |
256 | Paint House | 45.9% | Easy |
198 | House Robber | 38.1% | Easy |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | 40.1% | Easy |
70 | Climbing Stairs | 39.2% | Easy |
Number | Title(Blog URL) | Pass Rate | Degree |
107 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | 39.0% | Easy |
257 | Binary Tree Paths | 36.8% | Easy |
501 | Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | 38.4% | Easy |
437 | Path Sum III | 39.3% | Easy |
404 | Sum of Left Leaves | 46.5% | Easy |
112 | Path Sum | 33.5% | Easy |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | 36.8% | Easy |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | 41.3% | Easy |
543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | 42.3% | Easy |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | 50.8% | Easy |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | 38.5% | Easy |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | 51.7% | Easy |
111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | 32.7% | Easy |
101 | Symmetric Tree | 37.9% | Easy |
100 | Same Tree | 45.8% | Easy |