- So I used to work at an orange juice factory ... but I got canned because I couldn't concentrate.
- Added Concentration status effect
- Added a new spells to compendium. Just a couple so far, but with potential to grow!
- A touch of magic
- Added a new compendium - Spells. It's a work in progress, so nothing to show for it yet.
- The Sound of Music!
- Added 151 sound effects in different categories
- Added beginning stages of a Macro Compendium. Nothing really in it yet, but will eventually be used to add macro VFX effects for specific spells.
- Fin
- Added the rest of the animations to the Sequencer database
- Moving on to creating spell macros, using Sequencer
- That's oddly almost done
- Added more animations to the Sequencer database (level 02, magic, misc)
- That's odd
- Added more animations to the Sequencer database (level 01)
- I can't even
- Added more animations to the Sequencer database (fire)
- Be audit you can be!
- Added more animations to the Sequencer database
- NOTE: You need to install the module Jack Kerouac's Spell Effects Sequencer Plugin (https://github.com/MrVauxs/Sequencer-JKAE-Database)
- Going with the Flow
- Started adding all of the 100s of new animations to the Sequencer database.
- BIG THANK YOU to MrVauxs for showing me the way!
- Jumping the Spark
- Added seventy-nine (79) Spark Elements
- Taking Your Breath Away
- Added sixty-one (61) Smoke Elements
- Simple Simon
- Added 59 Simple Elements (elements with their colours, etc. stripped out)
- Tidey Update
- Add one hundred and twenty-two (122) Liquid Elements
- Added thirteen (13) Flash Elements
- We Flame to Please, II: Electric Boogaloo
- Added sixty (60) fire elements, for a total of around 80-something
- We Flame to Please!
- Added eighteen (18) Explosion Elements
- Added twenty (20) Fire Elements (with LOTS more to come)
- Added twenty (25) Energy Elements (for a total of 35)
- Added ten (10) Energy Elements
- Added thirty-two (32!) Electricity Elements (for a total of 37)
- The individual elements are useful for those making their own spell effects using Sequencer (great program!), etc.
- Added five (5) Debris Elements (located under Earth directory)
- Added Cool Cat Element (Ha!)
- Added five (5) Electricity Elements
- Added Air Bubble, Flaming Sphere, Misty Step
- Added Air Explosion (default, green, red, blue, yellow, purple), Air Gust (default, green, red, blue, yellow, purple) and Air Spiral (default, green, red, blue, yellow, purple).
- Maintenance Release
- Still struggling with GitHub, sigh.
- Added Aganazzar's Scorcher, Continual Flame, Darkness.
- Added Bless, Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Create or Destroy Water, Divine Favor, Fog Cloud, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Thunderwave.
- Re-arranged spells into proper locations
- Added Acid Splash, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, Mending, Poison Spray, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame, Shocking Grasp
- Began added new spells and effects for VTTs
- Sticking with cartoon effects, as those are not currently being done by others
- Created get-version.js