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Usage: emojme [options] [command]

  -V, --version  output the version number
  -h, --help     output usage information

  download       download all emoji from given subdomain
  upload         upload source emoji to given subdomain
  add            upload source emoji to given subdomain
  user-stats     get emoji statistics for given user on given subdomain
  sync           get emoji statistics for given user on given subdomain
  favorites      get favorite emoji and personal emoji usage statistics
  help [cmd]     display help for [cmd]

emojme download

Usage: emojme-download [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --save <user>            save all of <user>'s emoji to disk at build/$subdomain/$user (default: [])
  --save-all               save all emoji from all users to disk at build/$subdomain
  --save-all-by-user       save all emoji from all users to disk at build/$subdomain/$user
  -h, --help               output usage information

emojme upload

Usage: emojme-upload [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --allow-collisions       do not cull collisions ever, upload everything just as it is and accept the collisions. This will be faster for known-good uploads, more rate-limiting prone for untrusted uploads.
  --avoid-collisions       instead of culling collisions, rename the emoji to be uploaded "intelligently"
  --prefix <value>         prefix all emoji to be uploaded with <value>
  --src <value>            source file(s) for emoji json or yaml you'd like to upload
  -h, --help               output usage information

emojme add

Usage: emojme-add [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --allow-collisions       do not cull collisions ever, upload everything just as it is and accept the collisions. This will be faster for known-good uploads, more rate-limiting prone for untrusted uploads.
  --avoid-collisions       instead of culling collisions, rename the emoji to be uploaded "intelligently"
  --prefix <value>         prefix all emoji to be uploaded with <value>
  --src <value>            source image/gif/#content for emoji you'd like to upload (default: null)
  --name <value>           name of the emoji from --src that you'd like to upload (default: null)
  --alias-for <value>      name of the emoji you'd like --name to be an alias of. Specifying this will negate --src (default: null)
  -h, --help               output usage information

emojme user-stats

Usage: emojme-user-stats [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --user <value>           slack user you'd like to get stats on. Can be specified multiple times for multiple users. (default: null)
  --top <value>            the top n users you'd like user emoji statistics on (default: 10)
  -h, --help               output usage information

emojme sync

Usage: emojme-sync [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --src-subdomain [value]  subdomain from which to draw emoji for one way sync (default: null)
  --src-token [value]      token with which to draw emoji for one way sync (default: null)
  --src-cookie [value]     cookie with which to draw emoji for one way sync (default: null)
  --dst-subdomain [value]  subdomain to which to emoji will be added is one way sync (default: null)
  --dst-token [value]      token with which emoji will be added for one way sync (default: null)
  --dst-cookie [value]     cookie with which emoji will be added for one way sync (default: null)
  --dry-run                if set to true, nothing will be uploaded or synced
  -h, --help               output usage information

emojme favorites

Usage: emojme-favorites [options]

  -s, --subdomain <value>  slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token. (default: [])
  -d, --domain <value>     alias for --subdomain (default: [])
  -t, --token <value>      slack cookie token. ususaly starts xoxc-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains. User tokens (xoxs-...) are no longer supported. :( (default: [])
  -c, --cookie <value>     slack cookie. paired with respective subdomains and tokens. (default: [])
  -a --auth-json <value>   A json-string containing keys "domain", "token", and "cookie", as generated by the Emojme: Emoji Anywhere Chrome Extension. Can be used as a replacement for or in leu of subdomain, token, and cookie options. (default: [])
  --bust-cache             force a redownload of all cached info.
  --no-output              prevent writing of files in build/ and log/
  --since <value>          only consider emoji since the given epoch timestamp
  --verbose                log debug messages to console
  --top <value>            (verbose cli only) the top n favorites you'd like to see (default: 10)
  --usage                  (verbose cli only) print emoji usage of favorites in addition to their names
  --lite                   do not attempt to marry favorites with complete adminlist content. Results will contain only emoji name and usage count.
  -h, --help               output usage information