Just a rails CRUD app to demo Heroku connect. It is set up to sync the Account object down. It relies on a field called external_id__c as it's external ID for upserts. The rails app will do the "right thing" and automatically generate a guid for any records created there. It's left up to the gentle reader to extend their salesforce org to "do the right thing" and generate a guid
Get a trial force org. If you do not have an external id field called external_id__c
you will need to create one in your org. You need to insure that it's a text field and it's set up as an external id.
Click on this button:
Or, deploy the app by hand:
git clone https://github.com/tsykoduk/HCRailsDemo
cd HCRailsDemo
heroku create
heroku addons:create herokuconnect:demo
heroku addons:add papertrail
git push heroku master
Now Launch https://dashboard.heroku.com/ and locate your newly created app.
Click on Heroku Connect under Add-Ons
Once you launch Heroku connect, you will be asked to create a new schema and connection to your salesforce org.
Map the following fields over in Heroku Connect, or just import the ggn-hcdemo_connect_config.json
file to load the configuration:
- accountnumber
- accountsource
- billingcity
- billingcountry
- billinglatitude
- billingpostalcode
- billingstate
- billingstreet
- description
- external_id__c
- fax
- name
- phone
- recordtypeid
- tickersymbol
- website
You will also need to point the External ID for upserts in Connect to external_id__c
After your first sync, your Postgres table should look like this (use \d salesforce.account
in heroku pg:psql
to view it)
hcrails-dev::DATABASE=> \d salesforce.account
Table "salesforce.account"
Column | Type | Modifiers
lastmodifieddate | timestamp without time zone |
billingstreet | character varying(255) |
website | character varying(255) |
createddate | timestamp without time zone |
billingpostalcode | character varying(20) |
_hc_lastop | character varying(32) |
name | character varying(255) |
billinglongitude | double precision |
billingcountry | character varying(80) |
description | text |
external_id__c | character varying(128) |
_hc_err | text |
accountsource | character varying(40) |
phone | character varying(40) |
billinglatitude | double precision |
isdeleted | boolean |
billingcity | character varying(40) |
id | integer | not null default nextval('salesforce.account_id_seq'::regclass)
fax | character varying(40) |
billingstate | character varying(80) |
sfid | character varying(18) |
"account_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"hcu_idx_account_external_id__c" UNIQUE, btree (external_id__c)
"hcu_idx_account_sfid" UNIQUE, btree (sfid)
"hc_idx_account_lastmodifieddate" btree (lastmodifieddate)
hc_account_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON salesforce.account FOR EACH ROW WHEN (get_xmlbinary()::text = 'base64'::text) EXECUTE PROCEDURE salesforce.hc_account_logger()
hc_account_status_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON salesforce.account FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE salesforce.hc_account_status()
Launch the app
heroku open
If you want to add guid's to extisting records, you can use the following code in a Rails Console:
a = Account.all
i = 0
a.each do |b|
b.external_id__c = SecureRandom.uuid + Time.now().to_i.to_s
i += 1
puts i
This will load each object, and update the external_id__c feild with a random guid.