A simple class for making calls to Sibcoin's API using PHP.
Include easysibcoin.php into your PHP script:
`use easysibcoin\EasySibcoin as EasySibcoin;`
Initialize Sibcoin connection/object:
$sibcoin = new EasySibcoin('username','password');
Optionally, you can specify a host, port. Default is HTTP on localhost port 1944.
$sibcoin = new EasySibcoin('username','password','localhost','1944');
If you wish to make an SSL connection you can set an optional CA certificate or leave blank
Make calls to sibcoind as methods for your object. Examples:
You can find full example in easysibcoin_example.php
When a call fails for any reason, it will throw easysibcoin\EasySibcoinException
The HTTP status code can be found in $sibcoin->status and will either be a valid HTTP status code or will be 0 if cURL was unable to connect.
The full response (not usually needed) is stored in $sibcoin->response while the raw JSON is stored in $sibcoin->raw_response