Contains the basic strategies for ChatGPT API access and services building on that, and is intended to be agnostic to the underlying platform - that is, no Apache Sling dependencies.
Contains parts of the implementation that are specific to Apaches Sling and thus relevant for both the Composum and AEM variant of the application - servlets, JCR specific services, OSGI / SlingCA configuration.
- bundle : OSGI bundle providing the code to integrate with Composum Pages . Mostly a thin Sling servlet wrapper around backend base services.
- package : /libs content for integration with Composum Pages : components, javascript ; deploys base and bundle
The structure is based on the AEM archetype version 37. Among the modules are:
- aem/ui.core : OSGI bundle providing the code to integrate the backend services with AEM
- aem/ui.apps : /libs content for integration with AEM editor
- aem/all : A single "uber"-package deploying everything necessary for integration into AEM