Patches are welcome! Please use the standard GitHub workflow - fork this repo and submit a PR. I'll usually get to it within a few days. If I miss your PR email, feel free to ping me directly at [email protected] after about a week.
- Install Goland, Atom, or your favorite web editor with Golang support.
- Note: This project relies on Go Modules, introduces in Go 1.11+.
git clone $your_fork zap
cd zap
go get
go build -o zap -v ./cmd/ # sanity check
# install test deps and run all tests
go test -short -v ./... -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./cmd
go build -o zap -v ./cmd/ && ./zap
to run locallycurl -I -L -H 'Host: g' localhost:8927/z
- to test locally e2egoconvey -excludedDirs dist
- launches web UI for go tests../
runs CLI tests.