Welcome to the artifact repository for Repilot, a patch generation tool introduced in the ESEC/FSE'23 paper "Copiloting the Copilots: Fusing Large Language Models with Completion Engines for Automated Program Repair"!
Environment requirements
- OS: A Linux system with Docker support.
- Optional: NVIDIA Docker support.
- Hardware: X86/X64 CPU; 32GB RAM; 1TB Storage; Good Network to Docker Hub.
- Optional (a): NVIDIA GPU(s) with >6G memory (for CodeT5 patch generation)
- Optional (b): NVIDIA GPU(s) with >30G memory (for Incoder-6.7B patch generation)
Although it is recommended to run the artifact with NVIDIA GPUs for faster patch generation, it is not a requirement. When there is no GPU available, the CPU will be responsible for the patch generation. In this artifact documentation, we only explain the CPU-only Docker-based pipeline for conciseness. We encourage advanced readers who want to run the artifact with GPU support to check the documentation of NVIDIA Docker.
Before we start, let's first make sure Docker is installed: Installation Guide.
To check the installation:
docker --version # Test docker availability
# Docker version 20.10.21, build 20.10.21-0ubuntu1~20.04.2
Now we'll fetch the Docker image of Repilot that includes the implementation of the Algorithm, the Completion Engine, and all the dependencies needed:
# Recommended: pull the image from Docker Hub
docker pull universefly/repilot:fse23
# Alternatively, download the image file `repilot-docker-image-fse23.tar.gz` from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8280747
# Then load this image
# docker load --input repilot-docker-image-fse23.tar.gz
# Run the docker image
docker run -it --name repilot universefly/repilot:fse23
# Now you will get into a "virtual environment" provided by Docker
# Enter the `repilot` directory
cd /root/Repilot
echo "Hello Repilot!"
Congratulations! We are now ready for the artifact evaluation.
Let's run some example scripts to see how Repilot works.
# The full repilot approach with CodeT5 as the base model
# Generate 5 patches for Chart-9 and save to `chart-9-repilot`
ACTIVE=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b "Chart-9" --method pruned-mem -d chart-9-repilot -n 5
# You will see logs about the patch generation and which tokens are accepted/rejected.
# Validate the patch generation
python -m repilot.cli.main validate -d chart-9-repilot
# Print a table of the evaluation results
python -m repilot.cli.main evaluate -d chart-9-repilot
If everything works correctly, you will see a similar output table as follows:
root@1d7fea7789ed:/repilot# python -m repilot.cli.main evaluate -d chart-9-repilot
[chart-9-repilot] Loading raw generation data...
[chart-9-repilot] Loading transformed raw generation data...
[chart-9-repilot] Loading validation raw data...
Repilot Evaluation Results
┃ Tag ┃ Average Gen Time ┃ %Compilable Patches ┃ %Plausible Patches ┃ #Plausible Fixes ┃ #Correct Fixes ┃
│ chart-9-repilot │ 1.33s │ 100.0% │ 0.000% │ 0 │ - │
We will now show how each RQ can be reproduced through the artifact by applying Repilot evaluation script on pre-generated patches.
We also provide documentation to reproduce the entire patch generation in different RQs, but it is not recommended for the readers to go through the entire process as it may take days or weeks to finish.
We will now reproduce Table 1, Figure 6, and the number of bugs fixed by removing the bugs that overlap with the CodeT5 training data, which is shown in Section 8 THREATS TO VALIDITY.
python -m repilot.cli.rq1
You will see two tables printed in the console, where the first table corresponds to Table 1 and the second table corresponds to following the sentence in Section 8:
For comparison fairness, if we were to exclude these 7 and 6 bugs and compare them with the previous baseline tools on the remaining bugs, we are still able to achieve the highest bug fixes at 59 and 44 (best baseline at 45 and 29)
The detailed correct patches can be found through the following links:
Also the two venn diagrams shown in Figure 6 are saved in the plots
directory. To check the plots, you may need to temporarily exit the Docker container and save the plots to your local machine:
# Exit the docker container with e.g., Ctrl-D
# Save the plots to your local machine
sudo docker cp repilot:/root/Repilot/plots /path/to/your/local/directory
# Now you can open the plots with your favorite image viewer
# Return to the docker container
docker start -ai repilot
# Return to the `repilot` directory
cd /root/Repilot
We will now reproduce Table 2. This script may take longer to run as it needs to iterate through 5000 generated patches per bug. We also compressed the patches beforehand due to the large size. Therefore, let's first decompress the patches:
tar -xvf data/large.tar.xz
Then we can run the command for RQ2:
python -m repilot.cli.rq2
This command will print a table in the console, which corresponds to Table 2.
We now reproduce Table 3.
python -m repilot.cli.rq3
The detailed correct patches can be found through the following links:
This script will reproduce Table 4.
python -m repilot.cli.rq4
The detailed correct patches can be found through the following links:
- CodeT5/D4J1.2 vanilla
- CodeT5/D4J1.2 repilot
- CodeT5/D4J2.0 vanilla
- CodeT5/D4J2.0 repilot
- Incoder/D4J1.2 vanilla
- Incoder/D4J1.2 repilot
- Incoder/D4J2.0 vanilla
- Incoder/D4J2.0 repilot
🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations! You have successfully reproduced all the results in the paper! 🎉🎉🎉
We generate Defects4j 1.2 single-hunk bugs and 2.0 single-line bugs with the help of repair templates. This is achieved through the following command:
D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 ACTIVE=1 TEMPLATE=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 5000 -d rq1-d4j1
D4J2_SINGLE_LINE=1 ACTIVE=1 TEMPLATE=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 5000 -d rq1-d4j2
RQ2 is based on RQ1's generated patches, so we don't need to run any additional commands.
In RQ3, we generate 500 patches for each bug with 4 different configurations, using the following commands:
# Vanilla
D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq3-vanilla
D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-nomem -n 500 -d rq3-nomem
D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 500 -d rq3-mem
ACTIVE=1 D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 500 -d rq3-repilot
We further include Incoder-6.7B as the base model to generate patches for RQ4.
# The first two configurations are the same as RQ3
# D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq3-vanilla
# ACTIVE=1 D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq3-repilot
D4J2_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq4-codet5-d4j2-vanilla
ACTIVE=1 D4J2_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 500 -d rq4-codet5-d4j2-repilot
INCODER=1 D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq4-incoder-d4j1-vanilla
INCODER=1 ACTIVE=1 D4J1_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 500 -d rq4-incoder-d4j1-repilot
INCODER=1 D4J2_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method plain -n 500 -d rq4-incoder-d4j2-vanilla
INCODER=1 ACTIVE=1 D4J2_SINGLE_HUNK=1 python -m repilot.cli.main repair -b ".*" --method pruned-mem -n 500 -d rq4-incoder-d4j2-repilot