Here are step by step how i deploy this bot to my Free Tier AWS Lambda from Ubuntu machine:
First, get your AWS Access Key ID
and AWS Secret Access Key
from AWS IAM Service.
Then configure AWS Account from your local
pip3 install awscli
aws configure
fill AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name (like us-east-1
), and Default output format (like json
then, provide .env
file inside /src
folder contain
TOKEN = # bot token get it from BotFather
URL = # this for set webhook, receive after success deploy it to AWS Lambda (read below)
MYSQL_USERNAME = # create when configuring mysql (read below)
MYSQL_PASSWORD = # create when configuring mysql (read below)
MYSQL_DATABASE = # create when configuring mysql (read below)
MYSQL_HOSTNAME = # mysql server hostname
Clone this repository
mkdir bot
cd bot
git clone
Set up Environment
pip install virtualenv
cd Odong2Bot
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install required tools
pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
I use --no-cache-dir
option to avoid MemoryError when installing zappa on my t2.micro EC2 with only 1 Gb Memory.
Before deploy it, we need to configure mysql to enable remote access. You can skip this step if you have done it before.
Exit from virtual environment, then open and edit my.cnf
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Replace this line, or add if not exists
bind-address =
Restart mysql service and allow port 3306 to use by mysql
sudo service mysql restart
sudo ufw allow 3306/tcp
Login to mysql as root, create new database, add user bot, then restart mysql again
mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON odong2bot.* TO bot@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
sudo service mysql restart
Edit Inbound Rule
- Go to your EC2 console
- Click security group on your instance
- Edit Inbound rule
- Add MYSQL/Aurora type in port 3306 from anywhere
Activate again venv environment, then configure zappa
source venv/bin/activate
zappa init
Basically, just press enter to each question, the default configuration should be good enough. Then
zappa deploy dev
If this command run successfully, you will get the url where your lambda service deploy.
Copy it to URL in .env
file, then update it with command
zappa update
Set webhook & reset database
to set webhook to Telegram APIurl/reset_db
to activate and reset database (optional)