Releases: iquasere/KEGGCharter
Bug fix in genomic maps to transcriptomic
Genomic information was presented in transcriptomic maps. It's fixed now
Fix on not using genomic columns
When not specifying genomic columns, still tried to estimate most abundant taxa from genomic column
KGMLs and ECs check, and handling of exception in PDF generation
KGMLs and ECs check
- number of orthologs in KGML is now compared with number of lines in EC list (CSV)
- if they don't match, both will be downloaded again
Handling of exception in PDF generation
- to_pdf started to fail with timeout exception
- a try except now handles that
Fixed bugs in new functionalities
Taxonomy inputting was always happening
KGML loading always read from sys.path, now reads from --resources-directory
Compatibility options for other tools
Two new parameters provide quantification and taxonomy inputation
provides quantification
- creates new column, named
Quantification (KEGGCharter)
, with1
in every cell - new column serves as single value
provides taxonomy
- takes string as input
- parameter serves as single value
- creates new column, named
Taxonomy (KEGGCharter)
, with the parameter in every cell
This options allow KEGGCharter to take directly as input the output of UPIMAPI or reCOGnizer
An even faster KEGGCharter
kegg_link access was moved out of the main map generation loop
- intermediate step to allow multiprocessing
- added
parameter to allow customization of the KGMLs and CSVs folder
KGMLs handled locally
KEGGCharter now downloads KGMLs, and charts information directly from them
- Significantly speeds KEGGCharter workflow
- Pathway object is created from KGML with
- Circumvents BioPython problem of forcing 0.7.1 DTD guidelines on the XML schema
Major improvements in visualization
- KOs now converted to EC numbers directly to the maps
- No more gray outline boxes
- Exception for loading metabolic map improved
New input options and improved handling
Can now be resumed after running it the first time
- to retry failed maps, or if something failed in the latter steps
Also, accepts more diversified input
- allows to set different column names for taxonomy, KEGG IDs and KOs
Changes for bioconda
KEGGCharter files now go to share folder
Also created try/except for maps that fail to download