Header for the Hotel class.
Contains: Declaration and member functions for room management and admin operations.
Implementation of the Hotel class.
Contains: Functions for loading, displaying, searching, and modifying rooms.
Header for the Room class.
Contains: Declaration and data members for room attributes.
Implementation of the Room class.
Contains: Overloaded stream insertion operator for printing room details.
Header for utility functions.
Contains: Declarations for reading and writing CSV files.
Implementation of utility functions.
Contains: Functions for reading and writing room and booking data.
Header for the Booking class.
Contains: Declaration and data members for booking details.
Implementation of the Booking class.
Contains: Functions for adding, viewing, and canceling bookings.
Header for user management functions.
Contains: Declaration of the User class and functions for user registration and login.
Implementation of user management functions.
Contains: Functions for reading/writing user data, registering, and logging in users.
Main entry point for the application.
Contains: Main function to display the menu and handle user input.
Each file stores information about bookings, rooms and registered users, respectively.
- Compile the source files into an executable, for example:
g++ -o hotel_service main.cpp Hotel.cpp Utilities.cpp booking.cpp user_management.cpp room.cpp
- Executes the compiled program from the current dir
Then, the menu options should appear in the terminal and the user can navigate through them freely.