#INSTALLATION #Prerequisites
- Django (Tested on Django 1.9)
If you do not have Django installed use:
pip install Django
- lxml
Install it with
pip install lxml
- Download the code from this repository.
git clone https://github.com/cldrn/rainmap-lite
- Update BASE_URL, SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASS, SMTP_SERVER and SMTP_PORT in nmaper-cronjob.py with your base URL and SMTP credentials to receive email alerts.
- Create the database schema
python manage.py migrate
- Load the default scanning profiles data
python manage.py loaddata nmapprofiles
- Add a cron task to execute nmaper-cronjob.py periodically. For example:
*/5 * * * * cd <App path> && /usr/bin/python nmaper-cronjob.py >> /var/log/nmaper.log 2>&1
- Run the app (Or install it):
python manage.py runserver
##Adding the first admin user For security RainmapLite does not have any default administrative user out of box. You need to create one by running the following command:
python manage.py createsuperuser