Make sure you've followed the Mac Basic Setup under Development Setup on Confluence
- In one command window:
- cd to root folder of this project and launch a MongoDB instance: sudo mongod
- In a second command window (launched from root folder):
- cd client
- ensure dependencies are installed: yarn install
- In a third command window: (launched from root folder): 3. cd server 4. ensure dependencies are installed: yarn install 5. go to config/default.json and config/production.json and set token secret to a random string 6. run server: yarn run start
- In a fourth command window: (launched from root folder):
- cd client
- transpile test client app: gulp babel && gulp watch&
You can then view the demo application in a browser at localhost:3030, and find example queries and mutations for the test client in the /examples folder.
The Roles for creating a user are: USER, ADMIN, or SUPER_ADMIN
Only USER can create orders and only ADMIN or SUPER_ADMIN can create menu items
Make sure you've followed the PC Basic Setup under Development Setup on Confluence.
- Follow the steps in Setup for Mac
- If you're having issues installing gulp globally, you can work around this by running yarn gulp babel && yarn gulp watch& instead.
You can then view the demo application in a browser at localhost:3030, and find example queries and mutations for the test client in the /examples folder.