TypeScript type: RelatedPropertiesSpecification.
This specification allows including related instance properties into the content.
Name | Required? | Type | Default |
propertiesSource |
Yes | RelationshipPathSpecification |
instanceFilter |
No | ECExpression | "" |
handleTargetClassPolymorphically |
No | boolean |
false |
relationshipMeaning |
No | "SameInstance" | "RelatedInstance" |
"RelatedInstance" |
properties |
No | Array<string | PropertySpecification> | "_none_" | "*" |
"*" |
autoExpand |
No | boolean |
false |
skipIfDuplicate |
No | boolean |
false |
nestedRelatedProperties |
No | RelatedPropertiesSpecification[] |
[] |
relationshipProperties |
No | Array<string | PropertySpecification> | "_none_" | "*" |
[] |
forceCreateRelationshipCategory |
No | boolean |
false |
Specifies a chain of relationship path specifications that forms a path from the content instance to the related instance(s) whose properties should additionally be loaded.
Type | RelationshipPathSpecification |
Is Required | Yes |
The path may point to more than one related instance, so the result always stores related properties in a form of a struct-array, where each struct represents a single related instance. However, often there's only one related instance and in that case a UI component displaying the result may choose to "destructure" the struct-array. An example of such component is the Property Grid:
Here's how the result looks like if there's more than one related instance:
Specifies an ECExpression for filtering instances targeted by the propertiesSource
without filter | with filter |
Note: A specification with higher priority and no instance filter overrides a specification with lower priority whether or not it has a filter.
The attribute tells whether the target class specified through propertiesSource
attribute should be handled
polymorphically. This means properties of the concrete class are loaded in addition to properties of the target class itself.
Note: There's a difference between loading properties and instances polymorphically. This attribute only controls polymorphism of properties, while instances are always looked up in a polymorphic fashion.
Type | boolean |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | false |
handleTargetClassPolymorphically: false |
handleTargetClassPolymorphically: true |
The attribute describes what the related properties mean to the primary instance whose properties are displayed. There are two possible options:
means that the properties should be distinguished from properties of the primary instance and shown separately to make it clear they belong to another instance. Generally that means they're assigned a separate root category. -
means that the properties should be displayed as if they belonged to the primary instance. Generally that means they assigned a category, that's nested under the default category.
See property categorization page page for more details.
Type | "SameInstance" | "RelatedInstance" |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | "RelatedInstance" |
relationshipMeaning: "RelatedInstance" |
relationshipMeaning: "SameInstance" |
List of names or definitions of related class properties that should be included in the content. In addition, a couple of special values are allowed:
means none of the properties should be picked up. Generally this is used in combination with thenestedRelatedProperties
means all properties should be picked up.
Type | Array<string | PropertySpecification> | "_none_" | "*" |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | "*" |
The attribute specifies whether the field containing related properties should be assigned the NestedContentField.autoExpand attribute. The attribute tells UI components showing the properties that they should be initially displayed in the expanded state.
Type | boolean |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | false |
autoExpand: false |
autoExpand: true |
Specifies whether the specification should be ignored if another higher priority specification for the same relationship already exists.
Type | boolean |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | false |
skipIfDuplicate: false |
skipIfDuplicate: true |
The attribute allows loading additional related properties that are related to the target instance of this specification.
Type | RelatedPropertiesSpecification[] |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | [] |
Lists ECRelationshipClass properties that should be included in the content. Only the properties from the last relationship of propertiesSource
path are accessible. In addition, a couple of special values are allowed:
means none of the relationship properties should be picked up."*"
means all relationship properties should be picked up.
Type | Array<string | PropertySpecification> | "_none_" | "*" |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | [] |
Specifies whether a relationship category should be created regardless of whether any relationship properties were included.
Type | boolean |
Is Required | No |
Default Value | false |
forceCreateRelationshipCategory: false |
forceCreateRelationshipCategory: true |