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Releases: hso-nn/d365-cli

Target set to ES6

07 Sep 13:32
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Internet Explorer 11 not supported any more by power-platform. That was the only browser using ES5.
In tsconfig.json the target is set to ES6. This will result in better tree-shaking and smaller bundle size.
You can change this in your project manual or do it by update command.

FormContext fixes

03 Sep 07:48
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Fix: multiple sections having same name resulted in duplicate methods
Fix: When form name was equal to entity, the formContext extending failed

formContext duplicate getXControl fix

01 Sep 13:11
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When having duplicate fields on a form, the formContext does not generate duplicate methods for it.

Global OptionSets

30 Aug 13:13
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In previous versions enums were generated for OptionSet fields using a global OptionSet. This resulted in duplicate enum's.
Now global OptionSets will be skipped in the Entity.enum.ts file and you need to generate a global OptionSet file by following cli command:

hso-d365 generate GlobalOptionSets

A src/OptionSets/OptionSets.ts file will be generated.

Entity.enum.ts Views fix

24 Aug 07:08
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In the Entity.enum.ts the Views had to replace non-Word characters

DateTime Control support

23 Aug 15:39
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DateTime Control will be generated for formContext

MultiSelectPicklist support

23 Aug 15:07
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MultiSelectPicklist supported
Fixed entityViews: savedqueryidunique => savedqeryid

Entity.enum.ts Views (Saved Queries) support

30 Jul 13:47
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The generated Entity.enum.ts now contains the Views (Saved Queries)

Enum generation for NavigationPropertyNames

29 Jul 14:17
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Entity.enum.ts will contain generated enum for NavigationProperties.

export enum AccountNavigationPropertyNames {
Primarycontactid = 'primarycontactid',

Service Class logicalName public

29 Jul 12:57
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Service Class logicalName made public
eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars on Entity.model.ts