- plugins
- replace /^=/ with 'return'
- handle locals
- override debug.debug
- supple (http://cgit.gitano.org.uk/supple.git)
- handle locals (debug.sethook?)
- debug.sethook, catch return of our chunk and grab its locals
- rewrite source code/bytecode before evaluation
- custom interpreter patch to "pcall and get bindings"
- custom module that dips into internals to "pcall and get bindings"
- some sort of debugger?
- don't contaminate globals
- tab completion (__complete metamethod)
- "safe" evaluation (don't allow calling of C functions, except for those in a whitelist?)
- displaystack instead of displayerror(err)? (should xpcall return false, stack_table?)
- visual REPL (like Factor; being able to print multi-colored/multi-sized text, images, etc)
- syntax highlighting
- paren/brace matching?
- snippets?
- code navigation (go to definition?)
- repls that "attach" to different objects (ie. inspect a single object; self is that object. completions happen against that object?)
- browsable/searchable REPL history
- not entirely sure what I mean here...
- safe termination of evaluated code (if I Control-C during an evaluation)
- store stdout/stderr output in a variable somewhere?
- persistence (pluto-based image)
- what to do when we encounter an incomplete Lua fragment
- processing a line
- something for debug.debug...
- Console
- Web
- safety hooks
- Awesome