The nextcloud-node-client provides the maintenance of system tags (create and delete). The user must be superadmin to perform this tasks (member of admin user group). Assigning and removing tags from files and folders is supported. It is also possible to get a list of all files and folders with specific tag.
// typescript
import Client, { File, Folder, Share, Tag, FileSystemElement } from "nextcloud-node-client";
(async () => {
try {
// create a new client using connectivity information from environment
const client = new Client();
// create a folder structure if not available
const folder: Folder = await client.createFolder("folder/subfolder");
// create file within the folder
const file: File = await folder.createFile("myFile.txt", Buffer.from("My file content"));
// create two tags
const tag1: Tag = await client.createTag("tag 1");
const tag2: Tag = await client.createTag("tag 2");
// assign tag to folder
// assign tag to files
// get list of file system elements with the tag1 assigned
let fse: FileSystemElement[] = await client.getFileSystemElementByTags([tag1]);
// print names of folder and file
// get list of file system elements with the tag1 and tag2
fse = await client.getFileSystemElementByTags([tag1, tag2]);
// print name of file
// delete the tags
await tag1.delete();
await tag2.delete();
// delete the folder including the file and share
await folder.delete();
} catch (e) {
// some error handling