Returns tax rates, bands and description for the various tax type codes of specific regimes for a specific period.
Calls to this API must be made by an authenticated and authorised user with an ADR enrolment in order for the data to be returned.
URL: /alcohol-duty-calculator/rates
Method: GET
URL Params
No parameters are required
Query Params
Parameter Name | Description | Data Type | Mandatory/Optional | Notes |
ratePeriod | The period | YearMonth | Mandatory | YYYY-MM |
alcoholRegimes | A set of regimes | Set(Enum) | Mandatory | Beer, Cider, Wine, Spirits, OtherFermentedProduct |
Required Request Headers:
Header Name | Header Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {TOKEN} | A valid bearer token from the auth service |
Example request:
Code: 200 OK
Response Body
The response body returns rate bands with the following fields
Field Name | Description | Data Type | Mandatory/Optional | Notes |
taxTypeCode | The 3 digit tax code | String | Mandatory | |
description | A description of the tax code | String | Mandatory | Only those paid or part paid (amountPaid > 0) |
rateType | The type of rate | Enum | Mandatory | Core, DraughtRelief, SmallProducerRelief, DraughtAndSmallProducerRelief |
rangeDetails | Ranges of alcohol regimes and alcohol types covered by this rate | Enum | Mandatory | Return, LPI, RPI |
rangeDetails.alcoholRegime | The alcohol regime covered by this range | String | Mandatory | Beer, Cider, Wine, Spirits, OtherFermentedProduct |
rangeDetails.abvRanges | The ABV ranges and alcohol types covered | String | Array(Items) | |
rangeDetails.abvRanges.alcoholType | The alcohol type | Numeric | Enum | Beer, Cider, SparklingCider, Wine, Spirits, OtherFermentedProduct |
rangeDetails.abvRanges.minABV | The min ABV | Numeric | Mandatory | Between 0 and 100 |
rangeDetails.abvRanges.maxABV | The max ABV | Numeric | Mandatory | Between 0 and 100 |
rate | The rate | Numeric | Optional |
Response Body Examples
A single element (real response will contain many elements like this):
"taxTypeCode": "359",
"description": "Other fermented products like fruit ciders from 3.5% to 8.4% or Sparkling cider from 5.6% to 8.4%, eligible for draught relief",
"rateType": "DraughtRelief",
"rangeDetails": [
"alcoholRegime": "OtherFermentedProduct",
"abvRanges": [
"alcoholType": "OtherFermentedProduct",
"minABV": 3.5,
"maxABV": 8.4
"alcoholType": "SparklingCider",
"minABV": 5.6,
"maxABV": 8.4
"rate": 19.08
This response can occur if the parameters cannot be parsed
This response can occur when a call is made by any consumer without an authorized session that has an ADR enrolment.
This response can occur if the rates file couldn't be read