Performs the calculation newDuty - oldDuty to calculate what the customer owes after repackaging.
Calls to this API must be made by an authenticated and authorised user with an ADR enrolment in order for the data to be returned.
URL: /alcohol-duty-calculator/calculate-repackaged-duty-change
Method: POST
URL Params
No parameters are required
Request Body
Field Name | Description | Data Type | Mandatory/Optional | Notes |
newDuty | The new duty | Numeric | Mandatory | |
oldDuty | The old duty | Numeric | Mandatory |
Request Body Examples
An example duty change:
"newDuty": 100.50,
"oldDuty": 50.25
Required Request Headers:
Header Name | Header Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {TOKEN} | A valid bearer token from the auth service |
Code: 200 OK
Response Body
The response body returns the following fields
Field Name | Description | Data Type | Mandatory/Optional | Notes |
duty | The difference between old and new duty | Numeric | Mandatory | Positive if owing, negative if a refund (expected positive) |
Response Body Examples
Fifty pounds twenty five is owing:
This response can occur if the parameters cannot be parsed
This response can occur when a call is made by any consumer without an authorized session that has an ADR enrolment.