In this manual we assume that you have already install AllinQillqay and the binaries for your spellchecker are compiled (error_correction.fst, error_detection.fst
is a transdducer that returns the analysis of a simple entry.
is a modified version of the error_detection.fst transducer that contains the confusion matrix.
# Creating the NEWLANGUAGE folder
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE/
# Installing transducers
$ sudo cp error_detection.fst /usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE/
$ sudo cp error_correction.fst /usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE/
The following steps describe how to create a TCP Service for your own apellchecker.
$ cd <ALLINQILLQAY_PATH>/AllinQillqayWeb/ServerSide/SQUOIA/foma/
$ make
$ sudo make install
# Error correction
$ sudo cp suggestionsserver /usr/bin/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/suggestionsserver
# Installing the service on port 7891
$ sudo cp <ALLINQILLQAY_PATH>/AllinQillqayWeb/ServerSide/Hinantin/NEWLANGUAGE/tcpServerErrorCorrection /etc/init.d
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/tcpServerErrorCorrection
$ sudo update-rc.d tcpServerErrorCorrection defaults
$ /etc/init.d/tcpServerErrorCorrection start
# Error detection
$ sudo cp fomaserver /usr/bin/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/fomaserver
# Installing the service on port 7890
$ sudo cp <ALLINQILLQAY_PATH>/AllinQillqayWeb/ServerSide/Hinantin/NEWLANGUAGE/tcpServerErrorDetection /etc/init.d
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/tcpServerErrorDetection
$ sudo update-rc.d tcpServerErrorDetection defaults
$ /etc/init.d/tcpServerErrorDetection start
If you wish to install the binaries in another folder other than /usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE/
or use other ports, you will have to modify the variables in
# Modifying the path
my $hinantinpath = "/usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE";
# Modifying the ports
elsif ($slang eq "newlanguage_foma") {
$object = SpellCheckAshaninkaMorph->new(
FstFile => "$hinantinpath/error_correction.fst",
EngineName => "$slang",
EngineVersion => "v1.0-beta.1",
Type => "cmd",
PeerHostErrorDetection => '',
PeerPortErrorDetection => '7890',
PeerHostErrorCorrection => '',
PeerPortErrorCorrection => '7891',
Proto => 'tcp',
In order to run the spell-checker just replace the lines above in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi
with the ones below:
elsif ($slang eq "newlanguage_foma") {
$object = SpellCheckFiniteStateCmd->new(
FstFile => "/usr/share/NEWLANGUAGE/error_correction.fst",
EngineName => "$slang",
EngineVersion => "v1.0-beta.1",
Type => "cmd",
Install the suggestions executable:
$ cd <ALLINQILLQAY_PATH>/AllinQillqayWeb/ServerSide/SQUOIA/foma/
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo cp suggestions /usr/bin/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/suggestions
In order to change the language list you will have to modify the JSON-formatted list (adding or deleting elements to it) within the file /usr/lib/cgi-bin/spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi
Change only "NEW LANGUAGE" to your own language:
"newlanguage_foma" : "NEW LANGUAGE"
print $callback . '({langList:{ltr: {"cuz_simple_foma" : "Quechua Cusqueño", "uni_simple_foma" : "Quechua Sureño", "uni_extended_foma" : "Quechua Sureño Extendido", "bol_myspell" : "Quechua Boliviano", "ec_hunspell" : "Kichwa Ecuatoriano", "newlanguage_foma" : "NEW LANGUAGE"},rtl: {}},verLang : 6})';
The USER DICTIONARY is disable by default as it is not GDPR compliant, but if you wish to use it the comfiguration file is located in: