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World Engine

This code is used to run the FlightGoggles simulator. This code also contains the instantiated quadrotor controllers. The structure is as follows:

  • flightcontroller: The instantiated quadrotor controllers
  • flightgoggles: FlightGoggles source code used to simulated the dynamics of the racing quadrotor.
  • imu_tools: Tools used to filter the IMU data which is noisy.
  • simulator_com: Connects the simulated dynamics with the Unity visualization engine.
  • universal_teleop: Tools used to manually fly the quadrotor.


$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Manually Testing Controllers

When Running the angle_test you can use this to control the angle

$ rostopic pub -r 1000 /uav/input/attitude geometry_msgs/Vector3 '{x: 0, y: 0.0, z: 1.57}'

When running the velocity_test you can use this command to test the velocity

$ rostopic pub -r 1000 /uav/input/velocity geometry_msgs/Vector3 '{x: 0, y: 0.0, z: 1}'

When running the position_test you can use this command to test the position

$ rostopic pub -r 1000 /uav/input/position geometry_msgs/Vector3 '{x: 0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}'

Quadrotor naming convention

The Controllers are named as follows:

  • speed-2_minsnap0: Unstable waypoint controller
  • speed-1_minsnap0: Stable waypoint controller
  • speed2_minsnap0: Fixed velocity controller 2m/s
  • speed5_minsnap0: Fixed velocity controller 5m/s
  • speed10_minsnap0: Fixed velocity controller 10m/s
  • speed-1_minsnap-1: Minsnap controller