This is used to take the data from our standard format and converts it into a series of numpy arrays. For a deeper understanding on what is contained in our standard data format read the data subset README.MD. This pipeline will create the following numpy arrays
: Contains up to 10 hashes for each test, where each hash describes a crash based on the velocity and angle of incident.ego_positions_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains the ego position in the world frame for each test.processed_files_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains the original file name used to create each row in the numpy arrays.stall_hash_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains up to 10 hashes for each test, where each hash describes a stall based on the angle and distance to the closest vehicle.time_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains the total time of each test.traces_hash_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains the RRS vectors for each step of each test.vehicles_hash_highway_random_s{X}_b{Y}_d{Z}_t{W}.npy
: Contains the total number of traffic vehicles in each test.
Where X
is the steering angle. Y
is the RRS number. Z
is the maximum distance the vehicle can travel in 1 time second. W
is the number of tests used.
Below we take a look at how to run the RRS pipeline on each of the data subsets provided.
We designed HighwayEnv to save data in the standard format, this no pre-processing is required to convert it into the standard format.
To generate the physical coverage on highway-env
you need to run the process_highway_physcov_coverage
script. The script has the following parameters
- Number of tests: In our data_subset we give you 1000
- Distribution: In our study we use
- Path to data: The FULL path to the data folder
An example of running the script is below:
cd processing_pipeline/
./scripts/ 1000 center_close <full path to folder>/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset
If everything is run correctly you should have the following output on your terminal
Once this is done running you will have an output
folder. This script will have generated several npy
files in the folder output/highway/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_close/1000/
. described above.
Note: The data in output will match what was given to you in the data_subset
To view the 671st test from RRS-5 values from the first test you can run the following in your terminal:
cd ./data_subset/highway/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_close/1000
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rrs = np.load("traces_highway_random_s30_b5_d30_t1000.npy")
>>> print(np.shape(rrs))
(1000, 100, 5)
>>> print(rrs[670])
array([[10., 10., 10., 10., 10.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 10.],
[10., 5., 5., 10., 10.],
[10., 10., 5., 5., 5.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 5.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 5.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 10., 10., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 10., 5., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 10., 5., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 10., 5., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 10., 5., 5.],
[ 5., 10., 5., 5., 5.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 10.],
[10., 10., 10., 10., 10.]])
>>> exit()
Here we can see that the shape is (1000, 100, 5)
. This is because there are 1000
tests, each with 100
rrs vectors with each vector being length 5
To generate the code coverage on highway-env
you need to run the process_highway_code_coverage
script. The script has the following parameters
- Number of tests: In our data_subset we give you 1000
- Path to data: The FULL path to the data folder
An example of running the script is below:
cd processing_pipeline/
./scripts/ 1000 <full path to folder>/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset
If everything is run correctly you should have the following output on your terminal
Once this is done running you will have an output
folder. This script will have generated several txt
files in the folder output/highway/random_tests/code_coverage/processed/1000
. Each file generated is for a single test. Each file contains:
File name
: The file(s) which was monitored using code coverageLines covered
: The lines which were coveredAll lines
: All lines in the fileBranches covered
: The branches which were takenAll branches
: All branchesIntraprocedural prime path signature
: The hash of the intraprocedural prime pathIntraprocedural path signature
: The hash of the intraprocedural pathAbsolute path signature
: The hash of the absolute path
Note: This data in output will match what was given to you in the data_subset
BeamNG returns its sensor readings as LiDAR data which we first need to convert to our standard format. To do that we use the scripts in beamng_to_standard_format
First we can visualize what this script does using
cd processing_pipeline/beamng_to_standard_format
python3 --data_path /home/carl/Desktop/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset --cores 1 --plot
You should see the following two plots appear. The left hand side shows the LiDAR rotated into the vehicles frame. The second shows the sensed reachable set. Note: This visualization has been sped up, it can take some time to process and plot the large number of points.
We can now convert this into our own processing by not plotting, and using multiple instances. To do that run the following:
cd processing_pipeline/beamng_to_standard_format
python3 --data_path /home/carl/Desktop/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset --cores 16
If everything goes correctly you should see the following output:
Once this is done (it can take some time) you will have 1000 files in our standard format in the output/beamng/random_tests/physical_coverage/raw
folder. These files will match the ones provided to you in the data_subset
To generate the physical coverage on beamng
you need to run the process_beamng_physcov_coverage
script. The script has the following parameters
- Number of tests: In our data_subset we give you 1000
- Distribution: In our study we use
- Path to data: The FULL path to the data folder
An example of running the script is below:
cd processing_pipeline/
./scripts/ 1000 center_close <full path to folder>/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset
If everything is run correctly you should have the following output on your terminal
Once this is done running you will have an output
folder. This script will have generated several npy
files in the folder output/beamng/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_close/1000/
. described above.
Note: The data in output will match what was given to you in the data_subset
To view the 671st test from RRS-5 values from the first test you can run the following in your terminal:
cd ./data_subset/beamng/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_close/1000
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rrs = np.load("traces_beamng_random_s33_b5_d35_t1000.npy")
>>> print(np.shape(rrs))
(1000, 202, 5)
>>> print(rrs[670])
[[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]
[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]
[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]
[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]
[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]
[10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]]
>>> exit()
Here we can see that the shape is (1000, 202, 5)
. This is because there are 1000
tests, each with 202
rrs vectors with each vector being length 5
To generate the code coverage on beamgn
you need to run the process_beamng_code_coverage
script. The script has the following parameters
- Number of tests: In our data_subset we give you 1000
- Path to data: The FULL path to the data folder
An example of running the script is below:
cd processing_pipeline/
./scripts/ 1000 <full path to folder>/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset
If everything is run correctly you should have the following output on your terminal
Once this is done running you will have an output
folder. This script will have generated several txt
files in the folder output/beamng/random_tests/code_coverage/processed/1000
. Each file generated is for a single test. Each file contains:
File name
: The file(s) which was monitored using code coverageLines covered
: The lines which were coveredAll lines
: All lines in the fileBranches covered
: The branches which were takenAll branches
: All branchesIntraprocedural prime path signature
: The hash of the intraprocedural prime pathIntraprocedural path signature
: The hash of the intraprocedural pathAbsolute path signature
: The hash of the absolute path
Note: This data in output will match what was given to you in the data_subset
To convert the Sensor data to the standard format please read the Waymo README file for more information. However your final output should be viewable and would look something like this:
To generate the physical coverage on waymo
you need to run the process_waymo_physcov_coverage
script. The script has the following parameters
- Number of tests: In our data_subset we give you 798
- Distribution: In our study we use
- Path to data: The FULL path to the data folder
An example of running the script is below:
cd processing_pipeline/
./scripts/ 798 center_full <full path to folder>/PhysicalCoverage/data_subset
If everything is run correctly you should have the following output on your terminal
Once this is done running you will have an output
folder. This script will have generated several npy
files in the folder output/waymo/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_full/798/
. described above.
Note: The data in output will match what was given to you in the data_subset
To view the 671st test from RRS-5 values from the first test you can run the following in your terminal:
cd ./data_subset/waymo/random_tests/physical_coverage/processed/center_full/798
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rrs = np.load("traces_waymo_random_s33_b5_d35_t798.npy")
>>> print(np.shape(rrs))
(798, 200, 5)
>>> print(rrs[670])
[[15. 25. 35. 35. 35.]
[15. 25. 35. 35. 35.]
[15. 35. 20. 35. 35.]
[15. 35. 20. 35. 35.]
[nan nan nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan nan nan]]
>>> exit()
Here we can see that the shape is (798, 200, 5)
. This is because there are 798
tests, each with 200
rrs vectors with each vector being length 5
. You will also notice the last 2 RRS are nan
. This is expected. Each of the Waymo scenarios were not exactly the same length. To account for this nan
's are appended to keep each test the same size.