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  • 关于算法和数据结构的题目一共200道题左右,题目都比较经典,以及,题目不在多在于精,一题多解才是正确的选择,吃多嚼不烂。

  • 关于数据库的题目有10几道题

  • 关于多线程(并发or并行)的题目有10题左右

  • 关于shell脚本的题目有5题左右

  • 关注智力题的题目大概30多道题


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
2sum leetcode 哈希表,数组 2sum 2sum,2sum II, 3sum,3sum closest,4sum,4sum ii
2sumii 2sum ii
3sum 3sum
3sum closest 3sum closest
3sum smaller 3sum smaller
4sum 4sum
4sum ii 4sum ii
remove duplicates from sorted array remove duplicates from sorted array
remove duplicates from sorted array ii remove duplicates from sorted array ii
longest consecutive sequence longest consecutive sequence
remove element
move zeroes
next permutation
permutation sequence
valid sudoku
trapping rain water
rotate image
plus one
climbing stairs
set matrix zeroes
gas station
majority element
majority element ii
rotate array
contains duplicate
contains duplicate ii
contains duplicate iii
product of array except self
game of life
increasing triplet subsequence
meeting rooms
intersection of two arrays
intersection of two arrays ii
reverse linked list
odd even linked list
add two numbers
add two numbers ii
reverse linked list ii
partition list
remove duplicates from sorted list
remove duplicates from sorted list ii
rotate list
remove nth node from end of list
swap nodes in pairs
reverse nodes in k-group
copy list with random pointer
linked list cycle
linked list cycle ii
reorder list
LRU Cache
LFU Cache
All o(1) data structure
palindrome linked list
lntersection of two linked lists
Valid Palindrome
implement strStr()
String to Integer(atoi)
Longest Palindromic Substring
Regular Expression Matching
Wildcard Matching
Longest Common Prefix
Valid Number
Integer to Roman
Roman to Integer
Count and Say
Valid Anagram
Simplify Path
Length of Last Word
Isomorphic Strings
Word Pattern
Decode String
Min Stack
Valid Parentheses
Longest Valid parentheses
largest rectangle in histogram
evaluate reverse polish notation
implement stack using queues
median of data stream
implement queue using stacks
moving average of data
sliding window maximum
binary tree preorder traversal
binary tree inorder traversal
binary tree postorder traversal
binary tree level order traversal
binary tree level order traversal ii
binary tree right side view
invert binary tree
binary search tree iterator
binary tree zigzag level order traversal
recover binary search tree
same tree
symmetric tree
balanced binary tree
flatten binary tree to linked list
populating next right
pointers in each node ii
construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traversal
unique binary search trees
unique binary search trees ii
validate binary search tree
convert sorted array to binary search tree
lca of bst
kth smallest element in a bst
minimum depth of binary tree
maximum depth of binary tree
path sum
path sum ii
binary tree maximum path sum
populating next right pointers in each node
sum root to leaf numbers
lca of binary tree
serialize and deserialize binary tree
range sum query - mutable
insertion sort list
merge two sorted arrays
merge two sorted lists
merge k sorted lists
sort colors
kth largest element in an array
first missing positive
maximum gap
meeting rooms ii
top k frequent elements
top k frquent words
largest number
search for a range
search insert position
search in retated sorted array
search in rotated sorted array ii
search a 2d matrix
search a 2d matrix ii
find minimum in rotated sorted array
find minimum in rotated sorted array ii
median of two sorted arrays
h-index ii
random pock with weight
subsets ii
permutations ii
word ladder
word ladder ii
surrounded regions
the maze
the maze ii
the maze iii
additive number
palindrome partitioning
unique paths
unique paths ii
n-queens ii
restore ip addresses
combination sum
combination sum ii
combination sum iii
generate patentheses
sudoku solver
word search
android unlock patterns
robot room cleaner
jump game
jump game ii
best time to buy and sell stock
best time to buy and sell stock ii
longest substring without repeating characters
container with most water
patching array
task scheduler
maximum subarray
maximum product subarray
longest increasing subsequence
palindrome partitioning ii
maximal rectangle
best time to buy and sell stock iii
best time to buy and sell stock iv
best time to buy and sell stock with cooldown
interleaving string
scramble string
minimum path sum
edit distance
decode ways
distinct subsequences
word break
word break ii
dungeon game
house robber
house robber ii
house robber iii
range sum query-immutable
range sum query 2d-immutable
frog jump
partition equal subset sum
ones and zeroes
last stone weight ii
clone graph
graph valid tree
network delay time
path with maximum probability
reverse bits
repeated dna sequences
number of 1bits
gray code
single number
single number ii
gingle number iii
power of two
missing number
maximum product of word lengths
bitwise and of numbers range
power of three
rectangle area
happy number
ugly number
ugly number ii
super ugly number
fraction to recurring decimal
factorial trailing zeroes
reverse integer
palindrome number
insert interval
merge intervals
employee free time
minimum window substring
add binary
add strings
multiply strings
substring with concatenation of all words
pascal's triangle
pascal's triangle ii
spiral matrix
spiral matrix ii
zigzag conversion
divide two integers
text justification
max points on a line
sparse matrix multiplication


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
组合两个表 leetcode combine tables
查找重复的电子邮件 leetcode find emails
删除重复的电子邮件 leetcode delete emails
行程和用户 leetcode trips users
第二高的薪水 leetcode second salary
第n高的薪水 leetcode n salary
分数排名 leetcode rank scores
连续出现的数字 leetcode consecutive numbers
部门工资最高的员工 leetcode highest salary
部门工资前三高的所有员工 leetcode three salaries


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
H20的生成 leetcode 信号量+循环栅栏 h20
交替打印abcd leetcode chan任务编排 abcd
哲学家进餐 leetcode dining philosophers
按序打印 leetcode print
打印零和奇偶数 leetcode print zero
交替打印字符串 leetcode multithreaded


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
统计词频 leetcode word frequency
有效的电话号码 leetcode phone numbers
转置文件 leetcode transpose file
第十行 leetcode transpose file


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
1000瓶药水找毒药 找毒药
抢30 抢30
灯泡开关 地址
烧绳子 地址
圆环回到原点 地址
两个玻璃球 地址
切两刀构成三角形的概率 地址
ab吃东西 地址
排列11223344 地址
打靶 地址
有100只狼和1只羊 地址
三个空瓶子 地址
赛马问题 地址
32个球,重量不一样,只有一个天平 地址
一块金子问题 地址
扑克牌大小王问题 地址
2的10000次方对应于10进制的多少位 地址
根据某天的数据库连接日志,求数据库的连接峰值 地址
一段筷子分成三段,组成三角形的概率 地址
两堆硬币 地址
画圆问题 地址
圆桌放硬币 地址
水杯倒水 地址
三门问题 地址
两个盒子抽球 地址
101金币找假币 地址
掷不均匀骰子 地址
选最快的马 地址
通过蒙特卡洛估算pi 地址
最少几只鹅 地址
广告分配 地址
狼吃羊 地址
一个天平 地址
砝码问题 地址
  • 关于数据库的题目有

  • 关于多线程(并发or并行)的题目有

  • 关于shell脚本的题目有


题目 地址 类型 本地题解
2sum leetcode 哈希表,数组 2sum,2sum II, 3sum,3sum closest,4sum,4sum ii



题目 地址 类型 本地题解
H20的生成 leetcode 信号量+循环栅栏
交替打印abcd chan任务编排 abcd

