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File metadata and controls

121 lines (105 loc) · 8.63 KB


The DDNet teehistorian format is the format which DDNet uses to save all input to a server in order to be able to reproduce it faithfully. A teehistorian file is fundamentally a stream of messages that describe input to the server and a little data for sanity checks.

The format is designed in a way to make it easily compressible using standard compression algorithms in order to make it suitable for long-term storage, which Teeworlds demos are not due to their large size. It is easy to write out in a stream (you just append data at the end) but for reading, one has to read the whole file end-to-end because the format does not support seeking.

This document describes version 1 and 2 of the teehistorian file format. The only difference between them is the existence of the EX message (see below).


A teehistorian file is fundamentally a header followed by a stream of messages.


The header starts with the teehistorian UUID (699db17b-8efb-34ff-b1d8-da6f60c15dd1, version 3 UUID derived from the Teeworlds namespace e05ddaaa-c4e6-4cfb-b642-5d48e80c0029 and the name "[email protected]"), encoded as a big endian binary encoded UUID (16 bytes). It is followed by a null-terminated string that contains a JSON object containing at least the following keys:

  • version: This is the version number of the teehistorian format. It must be "1" or "2" for this document.


Each message starts with a Teeworlds variable-width integer, which is the message ID.

  • PLAYER_DIFF(0-63): dx(int) dy(int) records that player with the message ID as cid (client ID) has changed position in a way that adds dx to the x coordinate and y to the y coordinate
  • FINISH(-1): records the end of the teehistorian file
  • TICK_SKIP(-2): dt(int) records that there were dt ticks in which nothing happened, i.e. the next tick is the last tick + dt + 1
  • PLAYER_NEW(-3): cid(int) x(int) y(int) records that a new player character with cid appeared at (x, y)
  • PLAYER_OLD(-4): cid(int) records that the player character with cid disappeared
  • INPUT_DIFF(-5): cid(int) dinput(int[10]) records that a player with cid sent an input packet but has sent one before, add dinput to the previous input component-wise to obtain the new one
  • INPUT_NEW(-6): cid(int) input(int[10]) records that a player with cid sent an input packet for the first time, containing input
  • MESSAGE(-7): cid(int) msgsize(int) msg(raw[msgsize]) records that a player with cid sent a game-related packet msg
  • JOIN(-8): cid(int) records that a player with cid joined, on the engine level
  • DROP(-9): cid(int) reason(str) records that a player with cid left/was kicked/was dropped, on the engine level
  • CONSOLE_COMMAND(-10): cid(int) flags(int) cmd(str) num_args(int) args(str[num_args]) records that a console command cmd was executed by client id cid (not necessarily a player, might be a vote as well), with flags (distinguishes chat commands, etc.) with parameters args
  • EX(-11): uuid(uuid) size(int) data(raw[size]) records an extension message, identified by uuid and containing data

The following extra messages are known right now:

  • TEST([email protected]): is just a test message
    • uuid: 6bb8ba88-0f0b-382e-8dae-dbf4052b8b7d
    • introduced in DDNet 11.0.3, 6c378b972b70b055
  • DDNETVER_OLD([email protected]): cid(int), version(int)
    • uuid: 41b49541-f26f-325d-8715-9baf4b544ef9
    • introduced in DDNet 13.2, 0d7872c79eaeb19b
  • DDNETVER([email protected]): cid(int), connection_id(uuid), version(int), version_str(str)
    • uuid: 1397b63e-ee4e-3919-b86a-b058887fcaf5
    • introduced in DDNet 13.2, 0d7872c79eaeb19b
  • AUTH_INIT([email protected]): cid(int) level(int) auth_name(str) records that a player with cid got rcon access with level under the account name auth_name since the start of the map (because they had it before the map change as well)
    • uuid: 60daba5c-52c4-3aeb-b8ba-b2953fb55a17
    • introduced in DDNet 11.0.3, 1c3dc8c316c2bf37
  • AUTH_LOGIN([email protected]): cid(int) level(int) auth_name(str) records that a player with cid just logged into rcon with level under the account name auth_name
    • uuid: 37ecd3b8-9218-3bb9-a71b-a935b86f6a81
    • introduced in DDNet 11.0.3, 1c3dc8c316c2bf37
  • AUTH_LOGOUT([email protected]): cid(int) records that a player with cid just logged out of rcon
    • uuid: d4f5abe8-edd2-3fb9-abd8-1c8bb84f4a63
    • introduced in DDNet 11.0.3, 1c3dc8c316c2bf37
  • JOINVER6([email protected]): cid(int)
    • uuid: 1899a382-71e3-36da-937d-c9de6bb95b1d
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0, e294da41ba7142cb
  • JOINVER7([email protected]): cid(int)
    • uuid: 59239b05-0540-318d-bea4-9aa1e80e7d2b
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0 e294da41ba7142cb
  • TEAM_SAVE_SUCCESS([email protected]): team(int), save_id(uuid), save(str)
    • uuid: 4560c756-da29-3036-81d4-90a50f0182cd
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0.2, d8aab366fc8489c8
  • TEAM_SAVE_FAILURE([email protected]): team(int)
    • uuid: b29901d5-1244-3bd0-bbde-23d04b1f7ba9
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0.2, d8aab366fc8489c8
  • TEAM_LOAD_SUCCESS([email protected]): team(int), save_id(uuid), save(str)
    • uuid: e05408d3-a313-33df-9eb3-ddb990ab954a
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0.2, d8aab366fc8489c8
  • TEAM_LOAD_FAILURE([email protected]): team(int)
    • uuid: ef8905a2-c695-3591-a1cd-53d2015992dd
    • introduced in DDNet 14.0.2, d8aab366fc8489c8
  • TEEHISTORIAN_PLAYER_TEAM([email protected]): cid(int), team(int) records team changes
    • uuid: a111c04e-1ea8-38e0-90b1-d7f993ca0da9
    • introduced in DDNet 15.6, e9dec007b22a071e
  • TEEHISTORIAN_TEAM_PRACTICE([email protected]): team(int), practice(int) records when a team enters practice mode, resulting ranks don't get submitted to the database
    • uuid: 5792834e-81d1-34c9-a29b-b5ff25dac3bc
    • introduced in DDNet 15.6, 81f4263428069526
  • TEEHISTORIAN_PLAYER_READY([email protected]): cid(int) records when the client messages that it is ready to join the game, leading to the tee being spawned in the following tick
    • uuid: 638587c9-3f75-3887-918e-a3c2614ffaa0
    • introduced in DDNet 16.0, 3ea55dcc0ebc1c79
  • TEEHISTORIAN_PLAYER_SWITCH("[email protected]): cid1(int), cid2(int) records the ids of players swapping tees
    • uuid: 5de9b633-49cf-3e99-9a25-d4a78e9717d7
    • introduced in DDNet 16.1, 86f57289c6ff1926

The following data types are used:

  • int is a teeworlds variable-width integer
  • str is a null-terminated string
  • raw[size] is simply size bytes
  • str[num_args] is num_args null-terminated strings
  • uuid is 16 bytes of a UUID

the UUIDs are version 3 UUIDs, with the teeworlds namespace e05ddaaa-c4e6-4cfb-b642-5d48e80c0029 a tick is implicit in these messages when a player with lower cid is recorded using any of PLAYER_DIFF, PLAYER_NEW, PLAYER_OLD e.g. PLAYER_DIFF cid=0 … PLAYER_NEW cid=5 … PLAYER_OLD cid=3 has an implicit tick between the cid=5 and the cid=3 message another correction: the header is the teehistorian uuid followed by a zero-terminated string containing json in a self-explanatory format