- 110713305 資工三 黃朝新
- 螺旋模式開發
- 合作模式用 github flow
- 註冊
- 登入
- 登出
- 使用者可以檢視所有貼文
- 使用者可以檢視單一貼文
- 使用者可以新增貼文
- 使用者可以修改自己發布的貼文
- 使用者可以刪除自己發布的貼文
Method | URL | Result |
POST | auth/signup | 註冊 |
POST | auth/login | 登入 |
POST | auth/logout | 登出 |
Method | URL | Result |
GET | /posts | 檢視所有貼文 |
GET | /post/:id | 檢視一則貼文 |
PUT | /post/:id | 更新一則貼文 |
DELETE | /post/:id | 刪除一則貼文 |
Node.js + Mongodb + Vanilla.js
- 後端 API 以 TDD 開發
單元測試、整合測試、E2E 測試 mocha、chai、supertest、puppeteer
- 用 Supertest 做整合測試
- 用 Puppteer 做端對端的測試
後端 API
user@DESKTOP-9VVBDPS MINGW64 /d/Xing/Web-Dev/Projects/se109a-blog (test/e2e)
$ npm run test:api
> [email protected] test:api D:\Xing\Web-Dev\Projects\se109a-blog
> mocha ./test/**/*.test.js
Server: http://localhost:3000
API: auth
POST api/auth/signup
<-- POST /api/auth/signup
--> POST /api/auth/signup 201 685ms 34b
√ should create user (709ms)
<-- POST /api/auth/signup
xxx POST /api/auth/signup 400 19ms -
√ should throw an error if Email has been use
POST api/auth/login
<-- POST /api/auth/login
--> POST /api/auth/login 200 350ms 314b
√ should login with the right email and password (351ms)
<-- POST /api/auth/login
xxx POST /api/auth/login 400 293ms -
√ should throw an error when email or password is invalid (296ms)
POST /api/auth/logout
<-- POST /api/auth/logout
--> POST /api/auth/logout 200 4ms 29b
√ should logout
API: post
POST api/auth/signup
<-- POST /api/auth/signup
--> POST /api/auth/signup 201 327ms 34b
√ sign up with test user (329ms)
POST api/auth/login
<-- POST /api/auth/login
--> POST /api/auth/login 200 317ms 314b
√ login with test user (321ms)
POST /api/post
<-- POST /api/post
--> POST /api/post 201 56ms 268b
√ should create a new post (59ms)
GET /api/posts
<-- GET /api/posts
--> GET /api/posts 200 62ms 1.59kb
√ should return all posts (63ms)
GET /api/post/:id
<-- GET /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91
<-- GET /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91
--> GET /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91 200 19ms 267b
√ should return a post
PUT /api/posts/:id
<-- PUT /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91
--> PUT /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91 200 45ms 281b
√ should update a post (48ms)
DELETE /api/post/:id
<-- DELETE /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91
--> DELETE /api/post/60032529125ee74b24f21d91 200 41ms 38b
√ should delete a post (43ms)
user@DESKTOP-9VVBDPS MINGW64 /d/Xing/Web-Dev/Projects/se109a-blog (test/e2e)
$ npm run test:e2e
> [email protected] test:e2e D:\Xing\Web-Dev\Projects\se109a-blog
> mocha ./test/client
Server: http://localhost:3000
End-to-End test:
Serving "./client" at
Ready for changes
client side test:
GET /favicon.ico 404 2.480 ms - 150
√ show home page (1944ms)
√ should show sign up page
<-- OPTIONS /api/auth/signup
--> OPTIONS /api/auth/signup 204 3ms
<-- POST /api/auth/signup
--> POST /api/auth/signup 201 382ms 34b
√ should show login page after sign up (1128ms)
<-- OPTIONS /api/auth/login
--> OPTIONS /api/auth/login 204 1ms
<-- POST /api/auth/login
--> POST /api/auth/login 200 314ms 314b
<-- OPTIONS /api/posts?page=1
--> OPTIONS /api/posts?page=1 204 6ms
<-- GET /api/posts?page=1
--> GET /api/posts?page=1 200 66ms 1.88kb
√ should show home page after login (1108ms)
<-- OPTIONS /api/post
--> OPTIONS /api/post 204 1ms
<-- POST /api/post
--> POST /api/post 201 62ms 268b
<-- GET /api/posts?page=1
--> GET /api/posts?page=1 200 61ms 1.59kb
√ create a post (1236ms)
<-- OPTIONS /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09
--> OPTIONS /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09 204 2ms
<-- GET /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09
--> GET /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09 200 34ms 267b
√ view a post (1078ms)
<-- GET /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09
--> GET /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09 200 21ms 267b
<-- PUT /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09
--> PUT /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09 200 51ms 281b
<-- GET /api/posts?page=1
--> GET /api/posts?page=1 200 61ms 1.61kb
√ edit a post (1619ms)
<-- DELETE /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09
--> DELETE /api/post/60032745fcb3144838f14a09 200 43ms 38b
√ delete a post (533ms)
<-- OPTIONS /api/auth/logout
--> OPTIONS /api/auth/logout 204 0ms
<-- POST /api/auth/logout
--> POST /api/auth/logout 200 16ms 29b
√ should show login page after logout (1061ms)
9 passing (11s)