A web application(tool) that allows web developers to generate a report consisting of all the broken links in their website. It helps in knowing which links are valid and which links are dead.
- JRE to Execute
- JDK to Compile
##Installation: Clone the Repository.
git clone https://github.com/crusador/blf-java.git
Note: The provided .class files are for JRE >= 1.7.0. If your JRE doesn't match, read the compilation steps.
##Compilation: Compile the "crawler" package.
javac Crawler.java LinkStats.java
Compile the "Project.java" file.
javac Project.java
##Running: If "crawler" package is in the same directory.
java Project <URL> <Report/File/Path> <MaxDepthLevel> <MaxPages>
If "crawler" package is in some other directory.
java Project -cp <path/crawler/package> <URL> <Report/File/Path> <MaxDepthLevel> <MaxPages>'
##Copyright and License
Released under MIT License.
Copyright : 2013 [Jitesh Kamble] (http://www.facebook.com/crusador)