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Bi-directional Producer/Consumer Streaming with gRPC

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Goals
  3. Terms
  4. Block Node gRPC Streaming Services API
  5. Approaches
    1. Approach 1: Directly passing BlockItems from ProducerBlockItemObserver to N ConsumerBlockItemObservers
    2. Approach 2: Use a shared data structure between ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers. Consumers busy-wait for new BlockItems
    3. Approach 3: Use a shared data structure between ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers. Use downstream consumer BlockItemResponses to drive the process of sending new BlockItems
    4. Approach 4: Shared data structure between producer and consumer services. Leveraging the LMAX Disruptor library to manage inter-process pub/sub message-passing between producer and consumers via RingBuffer
  6. Design
    1. Producer Registration Flow
    2. Consumer Registration Flow
    3. Runtime Streaming
    4. Entities
  7. Diagrams
    1. Producer Registration Flow
    2. Consumer Registration Flow
    3. Class Diagram of all Entities and their Relationships
    4. Runtime Stream of BlockItems from Producer to Consumers


A primary use case of the hedera-block-node is to stream live BlockItems (see Terms section) from a producer (e.g. Consensus Node) to N consumers (e.g. Mirror Node) with the lowest possible latency while correctly preserving the order of the BlockItems. This document outlines several possible strategies to implement this use case and the design of the recommended approach. All strategies rely on the Helidon 4.x.x server implementations of HTTP/2 and gRPC services to ingest BlockItem data from a producer and then to stream the same BlockItems to downstream consumers. It does this by defining bidirectional gRPC streaming services based on protobuf definitions.

Helidon provides well-defined APIs and extension points to implement business logic for these services. The main entry point for custom logic is an implementation of GrpcService.


  1. Consumers must be able to dynamically subscribe and unsubscribe from the live stream of BlockItems emitted by the producer. When a consumer subscribes to the stream, they will begin receiving BlockItems at the start of the next Block. BlockItems transiting before the start of the next Block will not be sent to that downstream consumer.
  2. Correct, in-order streaming delivery of BlockItems from a producer to all registered consumers.
  3. Minimize latency between the producer and consumers.
  4. Minimize CPU resources consumed by the producer and consumers.


BlockItem - The BlockItem is the primary data structure passed between the producer, the hedera-block-node and consumers. A defined sequence of BlockItems represent a Block when stored on the hedera-block-node.

Bidirectional Streaming - Bidirectional streaming is an HTTP/2 feature allowing both a client and a server emit a continuous stream of frames without waiting for responses. In this way, gRPC services can be used to efficiently transmit a continuous flow of BlockItem messages while the HTTP/2 connection is open.

Producer StreamObserver - The Producer StreamObserver is a custom implementation of the gRPC StreamObserver interface used by Helidon. It is initialized by the BlockItemStreamService (see Entities section). Helidon invokes the Producer StreamObserver at runtime when the producer sends a new BlockItem to the publishBlockStream gRPC service.

Consumer StreamObserver - The Consumer StreamObserver is a custom implementation of the gRPC StreamObserver interface used by Helidon. It is initialized by the BlockItemStreamService (see Entities section). Helidon invokes the Consumer StreamObserver at runtime when the downstream consumer of the subscribeBlockStream gRPC service sends HTTP/2 responses to sent BlockItems.

subscribe - Consumers calling the subscribeBlockStream gRPC service must be affiliated or subscribed with a producer to receive a live stream of BlockItems from the hedera-block-node.

unsubscribe - Consumers terminating their connection with the subscribeBlockStream gRPC service must be unaffiliated or unsubscribed from a producer so that internal objects can be cleaned up and resources released.

Block Node gRPC Streaming Services API

The Block Node gRPC Streaming Services API is now aligned with the names and simplified types defined in the hedera-protobufs repository on the continue-block-node branch.


All the following approaches require integrating with Helidon 4.x.x gRPC services to implement the bidirectional streaming API methods defined above. The following objects are used in all approaches:

BlockItemStreamService is a custom implementation of the Helidon gRPC GrpcService. It is responsible for binding the Helidon routing mechanism to the gRPC streaming methods called by producers and consumers.

ProducerBlockItemObserver is a custom implementation of the Helidon gRPC StreamObserver interface.
BlockItemStreamService instantiates a new ProducerBlockItemObserver instance when the publishBlockStream gRPC method is called by a producer. Thereafter, Helidon invokes ProducerBlockItemObserver methods to receive the latest BlockItem from the producer and return BlockItemResponses via a bidirectional stream.

ConsumerBlockItemObserver is also a custom implementation of the Helidon gRPC StreamObserver interface.
BlockItemStreamService instantiates a new ConsumerBlockItemObserver instance when the subscribeBlockStream gRPC method is called by each consumer. The ConsumerBlockItemObserver wraps an instance of StreamObserver provided by Helidon when the connection is established. The ConsumerBlockItemObserver uses the StreamObserver to send the latest BlockItem to the downstream consumer. Helidon invokes ConsumerBlockItemObserver methods to deliver BlockItemResponses from the consumer in receipt of BlockItems.

Approach 1: Directly passing BlockItems from ProducerBlockItemObserver to N ConsumerBlockItemObservers.

Directly passing BlockItems from the ProducerBlockItemObserver to N ConsumerBlockItemObservers without storing BlockItems in an intermediate data structure. This approach was the basis for one of the first implementations of gRPC Live Streaming (see BlockNode Issue 21). Unfortunately, this approach has the following problems:


  1. Each ProducerBlockItemObserver must iterate over the list of subscribed consumers to pass the BlockItem to each ConsumerBlockItemObserver before saving the BlockItem to disk and issuing a BlockItemResponse back to the producer. The linear scaling of consumers will aggregate latency resulting in the last consumer in the list to be penalized with the sum of the latencies of all consumers before it.
  2. Dynamically subscribing/unsubscribing ConsumerBlockItemObservers while deterministically broadcasting BlockItems to each consumer in the correct order complicates and slows down the process. It requires thread-safe data structures and synchronization on all reads and writes to ensure new/removed subscribers do not disrupt the iteration order of the ConsumerBlockItemObservers.

Approach 2: Use a shared data structure between ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers. Consumers busy-wait for new BlockItems.

Alternatively, if ProducerBlockItemObservers store BlockItems in a shared data structure before immediately returning a response to the producer, the BlockItem is then immediately available for all ConsumerBlockItemObservers to read asynchronously. Consumers can repeatedly poll the shared data structure for new BlockItems. This approach has the following consequences:


  1. The ProducerBlockItemObserver can immediately return a BlockItemResponse to the producer without waiting for the ConsumerBlockItemObservers to process the BlockItem or waiting for the BlockItem to be written to disk.
  2. No additional third-party libraries are required to implement this approach.


  1. Busy-waiting consumers will increase CPU demand while polling the shared data structure for new BlockItems.
  2. It is difficult to anticipate and tune an optimal polling interval for consumers as the number of consumers scales up or down.
  3. While prototyping this approach, it appeared that ConsumerBlockItemObservers using a busy-wait to watch for new BlockItems impaired the ability of the Helidon Virtual Thread instance to process the inbound responses from the downstream consumer in a timely way. The aggressive behavior of the busy-wait could complicate future use cases requiring downstream consumer response processing.

Approach 3: Use a shared data structure between ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers. Use downstream consumer BlockItemResponses to drive the process of sending new BlockItems.

With this approach, the ProducerBlockItemObserver will store BlockItems in a shared data structure before immediately returning a BlockItemResponse to the producer. However, rather than using a busy-wait to poll for new BlockItems, ConsumerBlockItemObservers will send new BlockItems only upon receipt of BlockItemResponses from previously sent BlockItems. When Helidon invokes onNext() with a BlockItemResponse, the ConsumerBlockItemObserver (using an internal counter) will calculate and send all newest BlockItems available from the shared data structure to the downstream consumer. In this way, the downstream consumer responses will drive the process of sending new BlockItems.


  1. It will not consume CPU resources polling.
  2. It will not hijack the thread from responding to the downstream consumer. Rather, it uses the interaction with the consumer to trigger sending the newest BlockItems downstream.
  3. The shared data structure will need to be concurrent but, after the initial write operation, all subsequent reads should not require synchronization.
  4. The shared data structure will decouple the ProducerBlockItemObserver from the ConsumerBlockItemObservers allowing them to operate independently and not accrue the same latency issues as Approach #1.
  5. No additional third-party libraries are required to implement this approach.


  1. With this approach, BlockItems sent to the consumer are driven exclusively by the downstream consumer BlockItemResponses. Given, the latency of a network request/response round-trip, this approach will likely be far too slow to be considered effective even when sending a batch of all the latest BlockItems.

Approach 4: Shared data structure between producer and consumer services. Leveraging the LMAX Disruptor library to manage inter-process pub/sub message-passing between producer and consumers via RingBuffer.

The LMAX Disruptor library is a high-performance inter-process pub/sub message passing library that could be used to efficiently pass BlockItems between a ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers. The Disruptor library is designed to minimize latency as well as CPU cycles to by not blocking while maintaining concurrency guarantees.


  1. The Disruptor library is designed to minimize the latency of passing BlockItem messages between a ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers.
  2. The Disruptor library is designed to minimize the CPU resources used by the ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers.
  3. The Disruptor library does not require any additional transient dependencies.
  4. Fixes to the Disruptor library are actively maintained and updated by the LMAX team.


  1. The Disruptor library is a third-party library requiring ramp-up time and integration effort to use it correctly and effectively.
  2. Leveraging the Disruptor library requires the communication between the ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObservers to be affiliated by subscribing/unsubscribing the downstream consumers to receive the latest BlockItems from the producer via the Disruptor RingBuffer. The process of managing these subscriptions to the RingBuffer can be complex.


Given the goals and the proposed approaches, Approach #4 has significant advantages and fewer significant drawbacks.
Using the LMAX Disruptor offers low latency and CPU consumption via a well-maintained and tested API. The RingBuffer intermediate data structure should serve to decouple the producer bidirectional stream from the consumer bidirectional streams. Please see the following Entities section and Diagrams for a visual representation of the design.

Producer Registration Flow

At boot time, the BlockItemStreamService will initialize the StreamMediator with the LMAX Disruptor RingBuffer.

When a producer calls the publishBlockStream gRPC method, the BlockItemStreamService will create a new ProducerBlockItemObserver instance for Helidon to invoke during the lifecycle of the bidirectional connection to the upstream producer. The ProducerBlockItemObserver is constructed with a reference to the StreamMediator and to the ResponseStreamObserver managed by Helidon for transmitting BlockItemResponses to the producer. See the Producer Registration Flow diagram for more details.

Consumer Registration Flow

When a consumer calls the subscribeBlockStream gRPC method, the BlockItemStreamService will create a new ConsumerBlockItemObserver instance for Helidon to invoke during the lifecycle of the bidirectional connection to the downstream consumer. The ConsumerBlockItemObserver is constructed with a reference to the StreamMediator and to the ResponseStreamObserver managed by Helidon for transmitting BlockItemResponses to the downstream consumer. The BlockItemStreamService will also subscribe the ConsumerBlockItemObserver to the StreamMediator to receive the streaming BlockItems from the producer.

Runtime Streaming

At runtime, the ProducerBlockItemObserver will receive the latest BlockItem from the producer via Helidon and will invoke publishEvent(BlockItem) on the StreamMediator to write the BlockItem to the RingBuffer. The ProducerBlockItemObserver will then persist the BlockItem and return a BlockItemResponse to the producer via its reference to ResponseStreamObserver.

Asynchronously, the RingBuffer will invoke the onEvent(BlockItem) method of all the subscribed ConsumerBlockItemObservers passing them the latest BlockItem. The ConsumerBlockItemObserver will then transmit the BlockItem downstream to the consumer via its reference to the ResponseStreamObserver. Downstream consumers will respond with a BlockItemResponse. Helidon will call the onNext() method of the ConsumerBlockItemObserver with the BlockItemResponse.

BlockItems sent to the ConsumerBlockItemObserver via the RingBuffer and BlockItemResponses passed by Helidon from the downstream consumer are used to refresh internal timeouts maintained by the ConsumerBlockItemObserver. If a configurable timeout threshold is exceeded, the ConsumerBlockItemObserver will unsubscribe itself from the StreamMediator. This mechanism is necessary because producers and consumers may not send HTTP/2 End Stream DATA frames to terminate their bidirectional connection. Moreover, Helidon does not throw an exception back up to ConsumerBlockItemObserver when the downstream consumer disconnects. Internal timeouts ensure objects are not permanently subscribed to the StreamMediator.


BlockItemStreamService - The BlockItemStreamService is a custom implementation of the Helidon gRPC GrpcService. It is responsible for initializing the StreamMediator and instantiating ProducerBlockItemObserver and ConsumerBlockItemObserver instances on-demand when the gRPC API is called by producers and consumers. It is the primary binding between the Helidon routing mechanisms and the hedera-block-node custom business logic.

StreamObserver - StreamObserver is the main interface through which Helidon 4.x.x invokes custom business logic to receive and transmit bidirectional BlockItem streams at runtime.

ProducerBlockItemObserver - A custom implementation of StreamObserver invoked by Helidon at runtime which is responsible for:

  1. Receiving the latest BlockItem from the producer (e.g. Consensus Node).
  2. Returning a response to the producer.

StreamMediator - StreamMediator is an implementation of the Mediator Pattern encapsulating the communication and interaction between the producer (ProducerBlockItemObserver) and N consumers (ConsumerBlockItemObserver) using the RingBuffer of the Disruptor library. It manages the 1-to-N relationship between the producer and consumers.

RingBuffer - A shared data structure between the producer and consumers that temporarily stores inbound BlockItems.
The RingBuffer is a fixed-sized array of ConsumerBlockItemObservers that is managed by the Disruptor library.

EventHandler - The EventHandler is an integration interface provided by the Disruptor library as a mechanism to invoke callback logic when a new BlockItem is written to the RingBuffer. The EventHandler is responsible for passing the latest BlockItem to the ConsumerBlockItemObserver when it is available in the RingBuffer.

ConsumerBlockItemObserver - A custom implementation of StreamObserver called by Helidon which is responsible for:

  1. Receiving the latest response from the downstream consumer.
  2. Receiving the latest BlockItem from the RingBuffer.
  3. Sending the latest BlockItem to the downstream consumer.

BlockPersistenceHandler - The BlockPersistenceHandler is responsible for writing the latest BlockItem to disk.


Producer Registration Flow

Producer Registration

Consumer Registration Flow

Consumer Registration

Class Diagram of all Entities and their Relationships

Class Diagram

Runtime Stream of BlockItems from Producer to Consumers

Sequence Diagram