This project contains phone related drivers. Actually it is the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) driver.
The project uses external library Shiny.BluetoothLE. The library manages the searching the BLE devices and connect to them. There is simple wrapper for this library to provide some high level functions to search CHESTER devices, connect to them, load the basic information or start communication on BLE console. The wrapper service is called ChesterBLEService.cs.
There is example which use this driver called hio-dotnet.Demos.HardwarioManager.
If you want to use the service in the MAUI application you must add it in the MauiProgram.cs first:
using hio_dotnet.PhoneDrivers.BLE;
Then you can use this service in the components by injecting it into the component as you can see in the Home.razor component/page.
@using hio_dotnet.PhoneDrivers.BLE
@inject ChesterBLEService BleService
protected override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
BleService.PeripherialsDictChanged += refresh;
BleService.Connected += connected;
BleService.DeviceDetialsLoaded += devicedetailsloaded;
await BleService.ScanForDevices();
The events in this case providing the way how to refresh the UI because of new information about the available BLE devices which comes in the PeripheralsDict. This dictionary contains the IPeripheral compatible object which allows to call ConnectToDevice function like this:
var per = BleService.PeripherialsDict[chester];
await BleService.ConnectToDevice(per);
If the connected device is CHESTER you can load all accessible data about the CHESTER from BLE characteristicts like this:
await BleService.GetChesterDescriptionData(BleService.ConnectedPeripheral);
The example of the console communiation is in this Console.razor component/page.
If you expect that the device is already connected you can simply subscribe to the new line event:
private List<string> output = new List<string>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
BleService.NewConsoleLineOutputReceived += OnNewLineReceived;
private void OnNewLineReceived(object sender, string newLine)
InvokeAsync(() =>
And then send the command whenever you need:
private async Task HandleSendCommand(string command)
output.Add("> " + command);
await BleService.SendCommand(BleService.ConnectedPeripheral, command.ToLower().Trim() + "\n");