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5. Evaluation

Abdurrahman Abul-Basher edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 23 revisions


leADS can be evaluated using a pre-trained model (see Training). A pre-trained model, ("leADS.pkl") trained on Enzyme Commission (EC) number indices with embedding (biocyc21_Xe.pkl) and the pathway indices (biocyc21_y.pkl) data is made available to users in the Download files section of this wiki.

Note: Make sure to put the source code leADS/ (Installing leADS) into the leADS_materials/ directory as explained in the Download files section. Additionally, create a log/ and result/ (if you have not already created one during pathway prediction) folder in the same leADS_materials/ directory. The final structure should look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        │       └── ...
	└── leADS/
                └── ...

For all experiments, using a terminal (On Linux and macOS) or an Anaconda command prompt (On Windows) navigate to the src/ folder in the leADS/ directory and then run the commands as shown in the Examples section.

To display leADS' running options use: python --help. It should be self-contained.


Two matrix files namely [DATANAME]_X*.pkl and the [DATANAME]_y.pkl must be provided for evaluation of a leADS model.

Note: Data files such as "[DATANAME]_Xe.pkl", "[DATANAME]_Xa.pkl", "[DATANAME]_X.pkl" can be used for evaluation, provided leADS was trained using these corresponding files.


The basic command is represented below. Do not use this to run the evaluation step. This command is only a representation of all the flags used. See the Examples section below on how to run Evaluation.

python \
--evaluate \
--pred-labels \
--soft-voting \
--X-name "[DATANAME]_X*.pkl" \
--y-name "[DATANAME]_y.pkl" \
--file-name "[save file name]" \
--dspath "[absolute path to the dataset directory (e.g. dataset)]" \
--rspath "[absolute path to the result directory (e.g. result)]" \
--batch 50 \
--num-jobs 2

Argument descriptions:

The table below summarizes all the command-line arguments that are specific to this framework:

Argument name Description Value
--evaluate To evaluate the performance of leADS on the input dataset False
--pred-labels Predicting labels in input False
--soft-voting Boolean variable indicating whether to predict labels based on the calibrated sums of the predicted probabilities from an ensemble False
--X-name The input file name corresponding to EC number indices or any other feature files (see Advancedusage) [DATANAME]_X*.pkl
--y-name The input file name corresponding to pathway indices [DATANAME]_y.pkl
--file-name The names of input preprocessed files (without extension) [input (or save) file name]
--dspath The path to the datasets Outside source code
--rspath The path to store results Outside source code
--batch Batch size 50
--num-jobs The number of parallel workers 2


The output file generated after running the command is:

File Description
[DATANAME]_scores.txt A text file containing model performance scores for all samples used


Example 1:

To evaluate the performance of leADS on the golden dataset (golden_Xe.pkl and golden_y.pkl), run the following command:

Note: The flag --dsname must include the name of the dataset which is "golden" in this case.

python --evaluate --pred-labels --soft-voting --X-name "golden_Xe.pkl" --y-name "golden_y.pkl" --dsname "golden" --file-name "leADS_golden" --model-name "leADS" --num-jobs 2

After running the command, the output will be saved to the result/ folder. A short description of the output is given in the table above. The tree structure for the folder with the output will look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       ├── leADS.pkl
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        |       ├── leADS_golden_scores.txt
        │       └── ...
	└── leADS/
                └── ...

Example 2:

To evaluate the performance of leADS on the cami dataset (cami_Xe.pkl and cami_y.pkl), run the following command:

Note: The flag --dsname must include the name of the dataset which is "cami" in this case.

python --evaluate --pred-labels --soft-voting --X-name "cami_Xe.pkl" --y-name "cami_y.pkl" --dsname "cami" --file-name "leADS_cami" --model-name "leADS" --num-jobs 2

After running the command, the output will be saved to the result/ folder. A short description of the output is given in the table above. The tree structure for the folder with the output will look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       ├── leADS.pkl 
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        |       ├── leADS_cami_scores.txt
        │       └── ...
	└── leADS/
                └── ...
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