Using the provided feed data, construct a page that is formatted to match the included mockups. You will only be using one HTML document for this test. Your document will render either a story view or a story list view.
The story view layout should be responsive and render as multi-column (uidevtest/mockup-wide.jpg) for viewports greater than 480 pixels and as single-column (uidevtest/mockup.jpg) below that breakpoint.
Place your HTML in uidevtest/src/html/index.html. All other resources should be saved where appropriate in the uidevtest/src hierarchy.
Your page should load data from the provided datafile. No content should be hard-coded into your document.
The page should render the story list view (uidevtest/mockup-list.jpg) when accessed by the URL below.
The headline links from the story list view should take us to the individual story view. The page should render one of the five stories from the feed data when accessed by the URLs below.
For most visual elements, you are provided with details on styling below. Other visual elements that are not detailed below will require you to use your best judgement to match the mockups provided.
- Reference uidevtest/mockup-list.jpg
- Headline link text is 16px bold, #036dbe
- Category / categories text is 14px, #444444
- “Published” / “Updated” information is 14px, #444444
- Images have a dropshadow and a border applied
- The social links (“Comment”, “Share”, “Favorite”, and “Vote”) have full-color sprite icons (uidevtest/src/images/uidevtest-sprite.png)
- All typefaces are Arial
- Breadcrumb is 11px bold, #036dbe
- Breadcrumb border is #cdcdcd
- Headline is 24px, #444444
- “Published” / “Updated” information is 11px, #444444
- Social links are 11px bold, #036dbe
- The story text is 14px with 18px line heights, #444444
- Links are #036dbe
- The photo caption is 14px with 14px line heights, #444444
- Reference uidevtest/mockup-wide.jpg
- Social links should display on the page as grayscale icons. Upon mouse-over (hover), they should display as full-color icons. Upon mouse-out, they should return to grayscale state.
- The layout is 260px columns with 15px gutters
- Photo credit is #000000 over a white background
- Photo credit background is at 60% opacity
- Reference uidevtest/mockup.jpg
- Social links should display as full-color icons. There is no visual change for hover or mouse-over.
- Photo credit is #898989
You will be evaluated on your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code quality as well as your attention to detail in completing the code test.
You may use any JS libraries that you choose for this task. A local copy of jQuery has been provided.