This data set contains a list of United States national parks:
- 472 United States national parks and monuments
- 40 activities
- 4 contact types
- 1,142 contacts
- 4,029 park-activity mappings
- 172,506 images
Note that all files are UTF-8 encoded!
Contains activities that can be performed in a park.
Table: activities
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| activity_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | | |
| name | varchar(21) | NO | | | |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
activity_id | The primary key for an activity using a UUID. | 36 characters | Yes |
name | The name of an activity. | 21 characters | Yes |
Contains types of contact with a park.
Table: contact_types
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| contact_type_id | numeric | NO | PRI | | |
| name | varchar(16) | NO | | | |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
contact_type_id | The primary key for contact type. | A number with an undefined precision and scale | Yes |
name | The name of a contact type. | 16 characters | Yes |
Contains park contact information.
Table: contacts
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| contact_id | numeric | NO | PRI | | |
| contact | varchar(44) | NO | | | |
| contact_type_id | numeric | NO | FK | | Foreign key to contact_types.contact_type_id |
| park_id | varchar(36) | NO | FK | | Foreign key to parks.park_id |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
contact_id | The primary key for a contact. | A number with an undefined precision | Yes |
contact | The contact information (could be a phone number, email address, etc.) | 44 characters | Yes |
contact_type_id | The contact_type_id of a contact type and foreign key entry to the contact_types table. |
A number with an undefined precision | Yes |
park_id | The park_id of a contact type and foreign key entry to the parks table. |
36 characters | Yes |
Contains the national parks and some additional data points such as the park URL, description, longitude and latitude.
Table: parks
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| park_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | | |
| park_code | varchar(4) | NO | | | |
| name | varchar(51) | NO | | | |
| full_name | varchar(74) | YES | | | |
| url | varchar(34) | YES | | | |
| description | varchar(408) | YES | | | |
| designation | varchar(48) | YES | | | |
| latitude | numeric(13,10) | YES | | | |
| longitude | numeric(13,10) | YES | | | |
| states | varchar(47) | YES | | | |
| directions_info | varchar(512) | YES | | | |
| directions_url | varchar(162) | YES | | | |
| weather_info | varchar(520) | YES | | | |
| country_id | varchar(3) | NO | | | |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
park_id | The primary key for a park using a UUID. | 36 characters | Yes |
park_code | The park code assigned by the park agency. | 4 characters | Yes |
name | The official name of a park. | 51 characters | Yes |
full_name | The full official name of a park. | 74 characters | No |
url | The web url (website) of a park. | 34 characters | No |
description | The description of the park. | 408 characters | No |
designation | The designation of the park given by the park agency. | 48 characters | No |
latitude | The latitude of a park expressed in decimal degrees, pointing to the average middle of the park. | A number with a precision of 13 and scale of 10 digits: NNN.MMMMMMMMMM | No |
longitude | The longitude of a park expressed in decimal degrees, pointing to the average middle of park city. | A number with a precision of 13 and scale of 10 digits: NNN.MMMMMMMMMM | No |
states | For countries that have states or provinces, this column contains a comma separated list of states, provinces, etc. where the park is located in. | 47 characters | No |
directions_info | Directions to get to the park. | 512 characters | No |
directions_url | The web url (websites) to get directions to the park. | 162 characters | No |
weather_info | Information about the average weather at the park. | 520 characters | No |
country_id | The country_id of a park and foreign key entry to the countries table, if present (not default). |
3 characters | Yes |
Contains mappings between parks and activities.
Table: parks_activities
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| park_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI, FK | | Foreign key to parks.park_id |
| activity_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI, FK | | Foreign key to activities.activity_id |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
park_id | The park_id of a park and foreign key entry to the parks table. |
36 characters | Yes |
activity_id | The activity_id of an activity and foreign key entry to the activities table. |
36 characters | Yes |
Contains information about images taken in the parks.
Table: images
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| image_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | | |
| gallery_id | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | | |
| title | varchar(257) | YES | | | |
| description | varchar(8498) | YES | | | |
| alt_text | varchar(1338) | YES | | | |
| url | varchar(86) | YES | | | |
| permalink_url | varchar(134) | YES | | | |
| tags | varchar(759) | YES | | | |
| file_type | varchar(10) | YES | | | |
| width_pixels | numeric(5,0) | YES | | | |
| height_pixels | numeric(5,0) | YES | | | |
| file_size_bytes | numeric(9,0) | YES | | | |
| credit | varchar(50) | YES | | | |
| copyright | varchar(546) | YES | | | |
| copyright_constraint | varchar(68) | YES | | | |
| copyright_granted_rights | varchar(7) | YES | | | |
| park_code | varchar(4) | YES | | | |
| park_id | varchar(36) | NO | FK | | Foreign key to parks.park_id |
Field | Description | Length | Mandatory |
image_id | The image id and partial primary key for a park image using a UUID. | 36 characters | Yes |
gallery_id | The image gallery id and partial primary key for an image using a UUID. | 36 characters | Yes |
title | The image title. | 257 characters | No |
description | The image description. | 8498 characters | No |
alt_text | The alternative text of the image. | 1338 characters | No |
url | The URL of the image file. | 86 characters | No |
permalink_url | The permalink URL of the image file. | 134 characters | No |
tags | Tags associated with the content of the image. | 759 characters | No |
file_type | The image file type. | 10 characters | No |
width_pixels | The width of the image in pixels. | A number with a precision of 5 digits and a scale of 0 | No |
height_pixels | The height of the image in pixels. | A number with a precision of 5 digits and a scale of 0 | No |
file_size_bytes | The image file size in bytes. | A number with a precision of 9 digits and a scale of 0 | No |
credit | The image author credits. | 50 characters | No |
copyright | The image copyright. | 546 characters | No |
copyright_constraint | The image copyright constraint for usage of the image. | 68 characters | No |
copyright_granted_rights | The image copyright grants given. | 7 characters | No |
park_code | The park code assigned by the park agency. | 4 characters | No |
park_id | The primary key for a park using a UUID. | 36 characters | Yes |
File name | Description |
activities.csv | Comma separated file with activities data. |
contact_types.csv | Comma separated file with contact types data. |
contacts.csv | Comma separated file with contacts data. |
images.csv.gz | GZip compressed comma separated file with images data. | | SQL file to install this data set in an Oracle Database. |
install.sql.gz | GZip compressed SQL file to install this data set in a database. |
parks.csv | Comma separated file with parks data. |
parks_activities.csv | Comma separated file with park activities data. |
uninstall.sql | SQL file to uninstall this data set from a database. |
utils | A directory with utilities to generate this data set. |
Uncompress the install.sql.gz file.
gunzip install.sql.gz
Then, connect to your database of choice via the command prompt and execute the install.sql
Please make sure that your connections is using the utf8mb4
character set.
You can do so by passing on the --default-character-set=utf8mb4
option to the command line, e.g.: mysql --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -u <your user> -p<your password> -D <your database>
mysql> source install.sql
db=> \i install.sql
1> :r install.sql
2> go
$ db2 -tvmf install.sql
Connect to your database of choice via the command prompt and execute the uninstall.sql
mysql> source uninstall.sql
db=> \i uninstall.sql
SQL> @uninstall.sql
1> :r uninstall.sql
2> go
$ db2 -tvmf uninstall.sql
The data sources for this data set are: