This is a plugin intended to strip the final exports that rollup leave in the bundle file.
This plugin is pretty straight forward. Simply add it to your plugins array and it'll do what is intended to.
// rollup.config.js
import stripFinalExports from 'rollup-plugin-strip-final-exports';
export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: 'dist/index.js',
plugins: [
By using this plugin, the following lines will be removed from your output file = foo;
module.exports = foo; = foo;
module['exports'] = foo;
module['exports'].foo = foo;
module.exports['foo'] = foo;
export const foo = 'Foo';
export { foo };
export default foo;
export default 'Foo';
export { foo } from './foo';
export * from './foo';
export default from 'foo';