- Fix issues with isEnabled
- Remove extra ignorePointer
- Change min-height to 20px
- Set Material color to Transparent to allow Stats to sit on top of content in a stack
- Child is now optional
- Fixed initialization bug
- Stable, null-safe release.
- Fixed missing dispose call
- Fixed error when StatsFl is not nested in a MaterialApp
- Fix bug when wrapping MaterialApp
- Switch to ValueNotifier
- Handle didChangeDependancies for isEnabled
- Cleanup
- Fixed error when StatsFl is not nested in a MaterialApp
- Optimize repaint
- Add docs
- Privatize API surface
- Add maxFps param
- Update to 1.0 and extended description length to satisfy 'health' requirements for pub.dev
- Rendering fix
- Added height
- Added showText
- Improved sizing logic
- Added asserts